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  1. I

    A NEG hit which I'm quite proud of

    Mystery will cry if he ever read this board. Or tear his hair out.
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    A NEG hit which I'm quite proud of

    Its a neg. No idea why u need to show off your definition of it though.
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    I only find 1/100 women attractive

    hey ur problem is actually quite easy to solve. lets see. Am i right to say that you don't actually get to know 100 pretty girls well before you like one? It's more like you get to know a few girls...... and you know these same girls for a long time. And only a few of them are pretty, and...
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    David DeAngelo's stuff is crap

    goodness it is U GUYS making out C&F to be all DYD teaches. The newsletters are for beginners and for advertising his products like the very first ebook. Your idea of C&F is " I am cute"??? You see, when you post, you have to know what is is you are talking about. Like if you are...
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    David DeAngelo's stuff is crap

    Now i know why most PUAS don't post here. So many posters don't understand even simple concepts and post their BS opinions as facts. Like criticizing someone's material or even about what they don't teach when they don't even have MOST of their products. If you want to improve, find out...
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    Insulted my LTR :(

    Just insulted my LTR in public. ( it was a real bad one) She went totally nuts and we left the restaurant without even eating the food that came. She was crying uncontrollably all the way to her home.... And now im in **** obviously. i told her i thought she was a cheap slut from the day...
  7. I

    How to get her to beg me to be bf?

    my very good theory is a very good theory because i know her damn well. she cant suck the other guys **** cause he isnt in the country as well. She just goes out with lots of guys who likes her. she gives me *******s and messes with me she knows ive already done it so many times with...
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    How to get her to beg me to be bf?

    I really don't like asking for help. But i need help. I need all the top experts on this. Thanks. Ok i have to admit. I kind of have oneitis. Here's the deal. I have been out of this country for 6 months. This 2 yr LTR mentioned a break up half a year ago but said she still loved me blah...