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  1. J

    Girl Brings Her Friend

    Reading it through, the first thing that came into mind was bad thoughts. That being, she either doesn't like you as much as you like her. A lot of women have trouble saying No & so to put a dampner on the romance front she has invited a friend along, this turns it into a more friendly...
  2. J

    Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?

    I have no doubt that there are girls out there just looking for a nice girl. However they are in the extreme minority nowadays. I met the only girl I've ever loved when I was 15. We went out together for over 2 years & even got engaged. Shortly after that it all went down the ****ter. All...
  3. J

    What do you think of this material

    Lol, I know what you mean. A couple seem genuinely interesting, whereas some others are to be taken with a pinch of salt. Apparently he wrote a book about getting even or something like that a few years ago, that supposely did pretty well. However with a face like that, I imagine he had...
  4. J

    What do you think of this material

    I was browsing around the net & came across this site the other day. It seems to have a couple of cd's in it that interest me. Website However came across a pic of the author & that made me have second thoughts. Not sure who I would rather take advice from, him or shrek. Just...
  5. J

    Meeting up With EX,after time apart.

    Thanks for the Help Guys. The Truth is we made the perfect couple,but circumstances dictated that it was not to be then,So I know she is still interested in me but I DON'T LOVE her anymore,I still have feelings for her & if it came down to it,then I'd do the right thing for me.So when the...
  6. J

    Meeting up With EX,after time apart.

    It's not that she really did anything wrong like cheating on me or anything like that,It was ultimately her friends fault that we broke up,Her best friend to be more precise,I had known the best friend because we went to the same high school,Then college & when I had just started I met another...
  7. J

    Meeting up With EX,after time apart.

    Okay let's start at the beginning,3 years ago in College(was 18)I met this girl & after a few months of hanging out together,we eventually got together & went out for almost 2 years.Then we broke up,Partly my fault as I became the usual nice wussy & wanted to spend every waking minute with...