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  1. R

    interview with a girl!!! must read!!!

    kudos to fezz Intimidation plays a big role in it. Lots of girls have thier tricks to cushioning themselves from the big putdown. I mean, have you guys ever met a girl who was like "we're best friends! tell me everything... who do you like?" most of the time, they are seeing if they are on that...
  2. R

    interview with a girl!!! must read!!!

    ok well of course, i do NOT speak for every female out there, but i will give you my answers to those questions. I love to flirt. Its in my nature. I love the attention that I get. But if I am really interested in a guy, I will find some way to touch them as much as I can. A guy I just flirt...
  3. R

    interview with a girl!!! must read!!!

    hi okay well i am the girl fezz interviewed. Hello. I am from america lol and I do agree with how television has completely ruined females by giving them false methods and telling them what is hot to look for and such. Like one had said, its usually a fad in what girls look for now, and that...