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  1. S

    Thoughts, Swordsmen..

    I see her message as somewhat of a guilt-trip disguised as honesty. A bit of a manipulation actually to get you to cap without directly demanding it or presenting a direct ultimatum. If she were truly serious that it's over, she would have just said the relationship no longer works for her and...
  2. S

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    I don't disagree with you generally, but to be fair, there were also a few men advising him to continue pursuing. And a few women advising him to toss in the towel! From very early in! Just sayin, let's be fair here. Not all women on those forums are entitled ***, many yes, not all.
  3. S

    What women want? (For women members only)

    Yup and this may be the biggest issue I see on the ladies' internet advice forums. They give advice from the logical side of their brain failing to actually place themselves in the same situation as the OP and empathize. And understand that when feelings and emotions are involved, it's not...