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  1. K

    need advise for a friend, please help

    I was talking to my friend today. He has this one girl that he has been hanging out with for a while now, the only problem is that he still has a oneitis for the ex. Which is the reason that the new relationship hasnt progressed any in the last month. I told him that the only way to move on...
  2. K

    Where are you going to college?

  3. K

    should i go for it?

    so there is this girl that i met over the summer because she really liked me. I met her after she had just broke up with her boyfriend of 8 months. anyways we hung out everyday dor about 2 weeks, i thought something weas gonna come of it. but then her old BF got jealous of me and suddenly...
  4. K

    Need some good Advise

    Thank you for that. I needed some reassurance ans someone elses opinion on this, I will give your advice a try!
  5. K

    Girls In the Hallway

    the magic action is to sweet talk them, this may start out as just a compliment from day to day. it may not seem like much, but she will definatly remember it. It will make her think, and thats what you want to do. I would just start by giving the compliment from day to day and then advancing...
  6. K

    Need some good Advise

    hey guys im new here but thought i would try it out. I need some good advise on how to hook this great girl, so here is the story... I have been friends with Ashley for over a year now. I would consiter our friendship to be pretty close, consitering that we both know everything about...