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  1. G


    good looks on the advice runna13 imma go ahead and handle that, but nah im from the eastcoast.
  2. G

    Shy in front of new people

    i used to b the same way but u said that u were funny, use this to ur advantage. when you first meet sum1 for the first time try to say sumthin humorous to break the ice. this may make u feel a little more comfortable and allow people to see what a great person u are. hope it helps
  3. G


    wuz good imma newbie on this forum but i read the bibles n stuff, but 2 the point. i started off as a new student this year and i been readin the dj bible and figured wat a great place 2 start, my new school. So i was mackin 2 chix doin my thizzle but then i decided to calm down cuz chix started...