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  1. S

    The bullshyt I am seeing here lately!

    I think this may be directed at me because Im 16 and asked some of those same questions. If you look you will see that I ment that I only gained 20 pounds in about 4 months so thats only like 5 pounds per month. I need to gain like 60 or 70 pounds for football by next fall to play varsity...
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    Benched 155 for reps today!

    You guys shoudnt be haters. If you know what the weights weigh youd know that 155 is the bar plus 2 45 pound plates PLUS 2 10 pound weights and thats more than most guys can do at my high school. hardrock1 I can do mre like almost 400 pounds when I try hard but Ive been working out for a...
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    Steroids for working out

    Everyone tell a 16 year old not to do steroids is dumb because we already have steroids in our bodies called horemones. Horemones are like steroids but not as much as you need to get big. Thats all taking more steroids is for. Chewy Bagel I ment I only gained 20 pounds in the whole school...
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    Don't listen to Soshyopathe. Getting sore is normal with lifting weight so don't get scared. Your suposed to get sore if your oing it right so keep doing it!
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    Steroids for working out

    Hi I m new and have lots of questions. I want to get bigger and am 16. I have been working out for almost all of school this year and have only gained 20 pounds so far. Im pretty strong for my size and can arm wrestle anybody at school, and win but I want to get bigger for football. My...
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    Hey bors!

    My friend said creatine is not the same thing as deballs so my question is then can you take them both and get twice as big at the same time? Also whats a smith machine? Is it like a bench press?
  7. S

    Hey bors!

    Hi. Im new to the board and have questions. Whats a smith machine? I'm 16 can I use it or will it stumpt my growith? Also when you say roids do you mean steroids? My friend at school has a brother in football at college and he gets pills called deballs that are a kind of steroid. We are...