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  1. RomanX

    Did the Opportunity Pass?

    That's a good line about being a cancer, I'll definitely use it. What play would you have made? I may have acted too stubborn by not backing down. I guess I forgot what the end goal was and stuck to my guns.
  2. RomanX

    Did the Opportunity Pass?

    Valid point, keep the red pill stuff to myself or just act on it but don't bring it up as a conversation piece. I was probably being a little childish about the tab, especially since it really didn't cost much at all, but it wasn't a date, I asked her to meet me for drinks. The weird thing is...
  3. RomanX

    Did the Opportunity Pass?

    It doesn't translate well over text but when I said it wouldn't work out between us, I did it in a playful way which she seemed to react well too but I guess I also hit a nerve.
  4. RomanX

    Forehead lines

    Make sure that whatever you use has Vitamin E in it. Vitamin E prevents wrinkles and can help heal scars.
  5. RomanX

    Did the Opportunity Pass?

    Hey guys, I (31m) need some advice on how to move forward with a chick(34f) I went on a date with last Saturday. Let me give you the background: We met up for drinks, things were going OK, not the most exciting date I've been on but I made her laugh a few times, conversation came pretty easily...