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  1. Z

    a little help?

    Thanks, but being a coward i never really addressed the issue directly. Instead i've tip toed around it dipping my toe in to see how hot the water is going to be. I guess your right and we'll never be more than friends, but its still a hell of a friendship to have; the best i've ever had and...
  2. Z

    a little help?

    long story short:- i have known this girl for 4 years or so. We were really good friends, but always connected on a different level than other friends but never really talked about much deep stuff or personal feelings. I always found her attractive and i guess always wanted to go out with...
  3. Z

    Am I being led on

    Find out more first, ie. has she a close relatioship with her mom, was it an urgent thing? - If not, your wasting your time.
  4. Z

    Advice, please?

    maybe if i type a reply this will go further up the list and get noticed.
  5. Z

    PLEASE HEEEEELP!!!!!! this is seriously killin me!!!!!!!

    I think this is actually simple because she has displayed so much interest in you. She clearly likes you, and you like her, but it seems both of you are confused. I suggest, because this is very different from my situation, that you bring this to a showdown, sit down and talk to her about your...
  6. Z

    Advice, please?

    There is this girl who ive been friends with for about 3-4 years, but before we got off last summer i started to like her a LOT. She went away over the summer and i missed her loads over the 7 weeks. When she got back she started calling me and i really thought i was fallin for her and maybe she...