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  1. S

    confidence...its not hard

    i am extremely layed back, and a few weeks ago i was with a female friend of mine at a dance and about 5 random girls walked up to my and introduced themselves and i talked to each one for about 10 minutes, no numbers, but when i see them again ill go after the #....idk if it was the relaxing...
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    Weekly Discussion Thread #1

    i still talk to her, i just stay very very very very distant ..same effect?
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    Kissing her for the first time and failed atempt

    ARGH IT WAS YOU!!!!!!
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    gettin to the ACTION, baby!

    now this is how i started it......i brought up that i saw an article about kissing.........and then we started talking about that and one thing led to another....its GOLD~!!!! ~jax
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    Homecomming tips

    ..............softmore? lol Not many girls go to homecoming it might be hard to find someone to dance with there. My advide is to just ask a decent looking girl who doesn't have a date, she'll say yes........maybe
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    Shes distant in Public

    thanks for the help, maybe im just thinking to much into this
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    Shes distant in Public

    Ive been seeing this girl for about 2 1/2 weeks, and whenever just me and her go out and about she is all over me, but when we go out in a big group im lucky if i get 2 minutes of her attention. It kinda makes me feel as if she is maybe just useing me....but for what? im broke, ugly, and i...
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    do women want us guys to get jealous

    speaking of this....when i talk to my girl friend she makes a point to tell me about all the guys that are interested in her, I get extremely jealous but i have the best poker face, so i let it role off my back..............or maybe shes trying to give me hints she doesn't like me anymore...hmmm...
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    Movie kiss

    thank you Sir Auron, gonna try it tonight WHOOT
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    Movie kiss

    i signed up for the newsletter...haven't recieved it yet i still could use some more tips.....damn im a no0bE
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    Movie kiss

    So ive been seeing this girl for about 2 weeks or so, and we went to a movie a few nights ago. I put my arm around her and what not, she then put her head on my shoulder...etc, i know she likes me , but i just can't figure out how to make my move into kissing her at the movie i surely could...