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  1. R

    Cities with the hottest/friendliest chicks

    It might not be in the US but Madrid is the hot chick capital of the world if you guys are asking me. Its full of HBs (way more hot ones than here in England), theyre much more friendly and esy to talk to, and its one of the nightlife capitals of europe.
  2. R

    Your One Word or Phrase for Huge Inspiration.

    "La vida es muy corta" ----- "life is short"
  3. R

    Girls with short hair.....

    well if hairs so important then next her but if you think that you would quite like to go out with her then give her a chance, u can break it up whenever you want
  4. R

    love, and all that crap

    well what you have to do is to realise that she isnt special, and let me tell you she isnt as perfect as u think. How many times has she ****ed something up? doesnt she take a **** every day like the rest of us? realise shes human and treat her like that.
  5. R

    Did I mess up My chance???

    just try something like bowling, climbing, pool, whatever. action anyway so u seem exciting like the real man u are