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  1. T

    A witch...

    I suppose if ure caught really off guard u could always plead ignorance. If she says she's a practising Wiccan merely respond that u too were once intrested in basket weaving, and hastily head for the next round of drinks.
  2. T

    Master DJs, could YOU pull this chick?

    Darkness, depression and rain. Yeah ok, i see ure point lol.
  3. T

    Master DJs, could YOU pull this chick?

    Just looking at that post Wilde, how the hell were u so convinced it was Scottish? I wasn't aware i had used any language or dialect that was a giveaway. Or is it just that all Scottish clubs are very similar to the hole in the ground described above lol? :) Either way, ure bang on and a...
  4. T

    No place to f*ck

    Camping trip. Most definitly time to break out the tent, zip two sleeping bags together, and head for the hills. That is if the dirty alley behind burger king dosent hold enough romance value for u.
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    Hiding your V card.

    Srry for lack of rewriting, but im going to post here what i just put in another thread. Exactly the same advice (bad as it may be :)) "Got a feeling this is going to be slightly unpopular from the view of the above posts, but what the hell. Damn near every lassie thats ever asked how...
  6. T

    Got LJBFed cos I'm a virgin

    Got a feeling this is going to be slightly unpopular from the view of the above posts, but what the hell. :) Damn near every lassie thats ever asked how many girls ive slept with has always recieved the same stock reply "Me? God im still a virgin!" along with a look of mock shock and horror...
  7. T

    told off by a hb

    I agree with PRmoon on the 'her being apologetic already' bit, however, a small warning. U were agressive in her class, openly direspecting ure lecturer, her classmate, and then only left due to the threat of force (calling security). In other words she already knows that u consider ureself to...
  8. T

    Master DJs, could YOU pull this chick?

    Okay, well thanks to all that could be bothered reading this marathon post, and much appreciation goes ure way. More so to those that posted replys, its a wonder u could be bothered breathing never mind typing after getting through that lot. Right for a start the writer(me) aint female for...