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  1. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    OK Guys I need your help again. I have been dating consistently and have even run into this chick once while on a date with another hot chick. The situation seems right for me to start seeing her again. I am in the drivers seat right now. But I need to know how to approach this situation without...
  2. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    :D Funny. Yep her face still looks like a pizza exploded in the oven. Chick used to be real hot. Not anymore. I still miss her friendship. We were pretty good friends, but I'm a guy just like any of you guys. Bangin is what life is all about.
  3. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Hey Guys its been awhile. Just to keep you updated on how walking away is working. I ran into the chick this past weekend. I have been keeping my distance and dating a lot. The chick starts throwing compliments my way out of nowhere. "Oh you look so good, nice threads etc." I never heard this...
  4. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Thanks so much for the great feedback man.
  5. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    By the way I am glad I hurt her ego and happy that she looks like a wreck now. The reaction I am seeing feeds my big ego.
  6. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Hey guys. Ran into the chick again today. She now is coughing constantly, her face looks like a volcano erupted, and her clothes were even disgusting (some old shabby sweater that was 3 sizes too big). This chick was so hot a month ago, now she looks like a freakin train wreck. I would...
  7. M

    girls at the gym

    The main reason to go the gym is to get huge and ripped. Use these girls as training partners. Have them spot you. Concentrate on your workout. Cut the chit chat. Train them hard. Train yourself hard. Get serious in the gym and then bang them at night. The gym is the best place for a physical date.
  8. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Interesting, but she has told me on many occasions that she will never go after a guy, any guy ( She has a huge ego). My feeling right now is that if I stay away for a while and then come back like nothing happened and start the friendship all over again she may look at me with more respect...
  9. M

    girls at the gym

    You guys are dead wrong. You are not gonna date the girls at the gym. You are not gonna date the girls at work. You are not gonna date the girls in your class. What better places to get to know chicks then where you spend most of your time? Stay positive. I have had some of my best relationships...
  10. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    I wanna thank you guys for helping me figure out this situation. Just posting here has cleared up a lot of questions I had. Kinda like thinkin things through. Now here is a big question I have. I feel like have taken control by walking and she is in mental turmoil. I can see that in her face...
  11. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Thanks violater. I just read this and I agree. I took away her control and she has gone psycho. Its really interesting. I hit a nerve.
  12. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    I see it more as taking control. Who here actually wants to be "just friends" with a hot chick? Nobody unless you are gay. And all of us here are surely not gay. I figure I will walk and lets see what her reaction is. So far the reaction has been nothing less than pure havoc. I don't think any...
  13. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Thanks for calling me a retard. Appreciate it.
  14. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    I decided to take a break and revisit the situation in a couple of months to see how I feel. I think she may hate me for this but I am going with how I feel and don't really care what she thinks. I have suspicions that she may be a psycho nutcase. The face says a lot to me.
  15. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Oh and one other note, even though she is smiling and happy today her face has turned into a total mess. It looks to me like she had a major break out on her face caused by emotional havoc. I have never seen her look so horrendous. I mean this girls face looked like a pizza today.
  16. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    OK Guys Get this now. Today I ran into her and she is super nice and happy to see me. Yesterday she turned green in the face, today she is happy???? Is this girl insane or is there some sort of method to this madness? Yesterday she hates me today she digs me? I have a headache. Will somebody...
  17. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    You know what I am starting to think guys. I think I may have hit a nerve and this girl may have some hidden feelings for me. A girl with no interest would not freak out like she is doing. I never saw a girl's face turn green before today. It scared the hell out of me. If I am right what is...
  18. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Ok guys Had a short convo with her today with others around. The girl positively looked green and her face totally broke out. What did I do to this girl??? It was scary just to look at her expressions today. Its freakin me out. Is she like nuts or something? I honestly thought this was gonna be...
  19. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Girl is pretty damn hot, but figured if I can't get anywhere and there are others interested in me so I should take a break. I meant to hurt her ego (she has a huge one) but figured since she had no interest she would probably just smile and walk. She is furious. Said to me what I did to her...
  20. M

    Guys solve this situation for me

    Girl is a friend, nothing more. Made a move a few months ago. Turned down. See her regularly and decided since I am serious with someone else this girl is wasting my time so I told her lets take a break from seeing each other. Now she is furious at me. Think nobody has actually ever told this...