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  1. V

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    NC - Day 63 Well, challenge is now officially over, but I still see it as an ongoing thing. I definitely feel better and the best tip I can give to anyone initiating the NC challenge is - delete all her social media profiles, do not look/try to look. That is what was setting me back...
  2. V

    High indicators of interest but no sex after 3 dates?

    Sounds quite familiar to what I experienced recently. Exactly the same behaviour, but with s*x hints coming from her and every time I tried to escalate, I got shot down... She started introducing me to her inner circle and in front of her friends she was acting like we are exclusive. Decided...
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    The rebound? (long story)

    Yep, this whole thing was a complete f*ckup, but a great learning experience nonetheless. Everything was kind of okay until I started acting like a classic AFC... Oh well, I guess we have all been there at some point.
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    The rebound? (long story)

    Ugh... I know. Never again. At least it's all good with him, we spoke about it.
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    The rebound? (long story)

    And that's what I have done. I told her when we met that I am not in for the "friends" game and that it will not work. Enjoying day 47 of NC. It is getting better with every single day that passes. Now that I have deleted her from all social media, I feel great.
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    The rebound? (long story)

    Apparently so. Just a couple of days before that she was like: if you ever feel like talking about it with me, I am here. Obviously NOT. Now when I think about all that, I was beta as f*ck... At least it was a learning experience. It motivated me even more to work on myself.
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    Not creative enough to apply the principles?

    Best way to get your brain going for stuff like that - watch stand up comedy/improv. There are tons of comedians out there and plenty of shows on Netflix. Find any of the famous movies of the Marx Brothers and watch those. You can also try the podcasts of Ricky Gervais. Content like that will...
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    The rebound? (long story)

    Had an interesting experience about three months ago which lasted less than a month... A friend and his now ex moved to the city I live about a year ago and that is when I met her. The first couple of times we hanged out (when they were still together) I noticed how she looked and smiled at me...
  9. V

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    NC - Day 45 After reading this thread for a couple of weeks, I finally decided to share my own experience of the no contact challenge. It was very difficult at first... The first time I started it, I managed to last about a week before texting her. She replied and we actually went to the movies...