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  1. B

    Magic Word... Get All The Girls You Want

    leon, after we get past the fact that you've pissed off half the ppl on this board with a misleading title, let me answer your question: you will NEVER EVER EVER succeed with this girl or any other IF you need to look outside of yourself for answers. Why are you asking your friends if...
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    One FANTASTIC Night

    How do I have AFC written all over me? Re-read my post. - Kiss Closed on the 2nd Date 1. It was a PECK let alone a tonguedown. 2. yeah AFTER 14 BOTTLES OF BEER WTF - Did not take advantage of a situation, due to seeing long term potential. The two are unrelated. ALWAYS look for...
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    C&F Comebacks to 'I Have a Boyfriend'

    I THINK YOU'RE ALL MISSING THE POINT... Yeah on these boards some of those lines are funny, but IRL that sh1t DOESN'T WORK. She's not looking for some lame-ass joke that will convince her "what a great guy you are"; instead, she's IMPLYING 1 of 2 things. 1) "FVCK OFF. For some reason...
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    One FANTASTIC Night

    PL&M, good post. A couple of things: Do I smell oneitis? Please tell me no. Keep your eyes open... seems like this girl has yet to give you a reason why she's more worth your time than any other girl. IMPORTANT: If a girl WANTS to get drunk with you ALONE --> SHE WANTS YOU. A girl...
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    In the Beginning...

    Everything that has a beginning... must have an end. \ Of all people, I can't believe YOU misquoted this: "Everything that has a beginning... has an end." Anyways, good post after you think about it. Not something to share with newcomers, though. Getting over the "she's a goddess I...
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    "Way to find resistant rabbit is to turn rabbit lose, and watch."

    Interesting, PHAT. I see your point, yet I still think it is flawed. There is nothing random about sitting back and observing. Sit on the bench too much, and you won't have anything to NEXT in the first place. What's the difference between observing her in the field and sitting at your...
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    "Way to find resistant rabbit is to turn rabbit lose, and watch."

    Re: the key is observation of the prey you've got it backwards. chase, chase, chase, try, fail, learn, succeed, take the girl home-->learn everything. sit back and observe... stand on the sidelines and watch some other guy take her home, cry, go home, wack off-->learn nothing.
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    The Three Words to Life's Success

    edit: "PRE-sosuave days..." Good post. Sometimes the right advice from the right person at the right time really wakes you up.
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    Quick way to make u feel good

    fezz, i don't care what anyone else says man, pranks are the ****!! There was one time a couple of friends and I jacked a school bus in the middle of the night and parked it in the middle of our quad. On the side we spray painted our class year "2004" on the side. People couldn't stop...
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    The Reign of Terror is over - Farewell, guys.

    Evil's right: You'll be back... (you'd better be). I'm not saying goodbye... ;)
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    What if I told you...

    Smooth, great post. Clear, honest, and definately articulate. BBB, What if intentional physical contact (kino) does not increase the attraction levels? I think xblitzx said it a while ago, the attraction is already there-- these "techniques" just help to EXPRESS your attraction. Kino...
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    Pre college life transformation

    Read the (non-hs) DJ bible. The whole thing. Read at your own pace... the 4 other links come after the basics. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
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    A few things I've learned

    Great post. I admire your honesty, above all. I wish I could add something to it but your piece stands tall by itself. Good luck with the future, my friend.
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    Would You Date A Girl Who Has The Same Last Name As You?

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    Pre college life transformation

    Solid, welcome to the start of your journey. You're already half way there because you possess the most essential ingredient you're gonna need (as drow once said): The desire to change. Forget NLP, self-hypnosis. There isn't a trick or technique in this world that can do anything to start...
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    30-second opener (PUAs)

    Renegade, what you're sayin is that there's no specific "30-sec opener"? like patterns ? if 30s opener just means openin a girl (esp cold approach) in 30 secs, then yeah its not hard to think some up. I was thinking that there was a set opener but had no luck in finding it. hmm...
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    30-second opener (PUAs)

    for all you PUAs (who read the sarging sites, mASF etc), what exactly is the "30-second opener"? I've run searches for it but can't seem to find what it is. If you know, I'd appreciate it.
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    what should i make of this?

    if you say that sh*t again i will hunt you down and kill you. STOP OVERANALYZING!!!! SHE WROTE HER NAME ON YOUR ARM FOR GOD SAKES!!! Let it go, man. Let it go. The phrase, "what does that mean?" should be removed from your vocabulary. Don't think about it. Next time she takes a pen...
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    But she's gotta boyfriend......

    can you smell it... it's... ONEITIS!! Ditch her. I hate to be harsh but I want to tell you how I see it: ALL YOU'RE DOING is stroking her ego. She's PLAYING YOU because she knows she can always fall back to her bf. Meanwhile, you're the little lamb getting led down the tempting trail...
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    Next Em'

    In general, true. I agree. but be careful because one day you might pass up a GREAT girl who's just having a bad day/PMSing, and you've let that slip through your fingers. For me, it's one strike (and i call her on it), then she's gone.