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  1. M

    Topic of controversy: Anal sex

    sorry, but...ugh. no offence, but i really don't see the appeal to anal sex. why delve in the place made to excrete her sh*t when there's a perfectly good hole designed for sex right next to it? also, though i'm not a woman, i can't see what pleasure a woman could get from it. there's no...
  2. M

    the girl's nipple hairs have really got to go!

    lol, i agree with gr8one, kinda. 'accidentally' get one caught in your teeth, then move your head back. it should pull it out or at least give it a tug that'll make her realise it's there, and hopefully make her wanna do something about it. maybe you shouldn't pull too hard, you don't wanna...
  3. M

    MSN/Yahoo/AOL messaging and its importance?

    aznbreakerjrey's right where he says that you can build converstaional skills with IM. i think you can also gain confidence with girls by talking to them through IM, as, because you are not close to them and their physical appearance is not an issue, you talk to them for the ppl they are...
  4. M

    innocent face

    grow a beard...or get a tatoo across your forehead just a suggestion ;)
  5. M

    The seven ways of improving your physical appearance

    i'm not exactly an expert on the subject, but i'm thinking he's exaggerating. while there could well be some truth in what he says about the hormones, i shouldn't think there's enough to make any kind of apparant change to you as a person. all i ever seem to drink is tap water, and i've not...
  6. M

    Getting her back

    First of all, hi. This is the first thing i'm posting in this forum, am an absolute newbie, yup. I dunno if something similar to this has already been posted, sorry if it has, i just need help. ok, so here's the situation. i met a girl in a chat room a while ago (i first spoke to her in...