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  1. A

    No, we can't just be friends!

    Misunderstood me again. Squy, For some reason, i'm having a hard time making myself clear. Are you really reading what i'm writing? I wanted to know when the last time you were worried you were going to steal one of your MALE friends away from HIS female girlfriend. In other words, you...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Squy, Gonna keep this one quick. If you really think there's nothing at all there, lemme ask you this. You mentioned that you're worried that you might break up one of the relationships. When was the last time you worried that you were going to steal one of your male friends away from...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Here's the thing. You don't agree with me, tell me why! Prove me wrong. I really want to be wrong. I'd love to think that I was wrong and I could realistically go back to whoever and just be friends and be happy with it. I'm not some woman hater who's got an axe to grind. I doubt you'll...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Multiple Replies Squy, you're probably a troll, but i'll bite again. No. I'm not talking about women you're interested in. I'm talking about all women. Whether you've asked them out or not. The only contact you should have with women (non-family, lest you nitpick again) is one of the...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Re: Re: Feeling longwinded again It seems like you're missing my point. It's possible you misunderstood my use of the word friend. I wasn't really talking about casual acquaintances. I'm talking about women you'd spend a significant amount of time with. When you say "... any chick...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    The only woman you should ever be friends with is your girlfriend. If you're already friends with a woman, either date her or don't talk to her anymore unless you're a masochist.
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Feeling longwinded again Am I saying that men can't have female friends unless there is a possiblity of sex? No. I'm saying that, with some exceptions, men can't have female friends unless they are having sex with that woman. Here's why I think that. I think you'll agree with me...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Feedback Darkhorse: I didn't write it really for other people to read it so much as I really felt like I needed to convince myself to tell a girl to hit the road. I wrote that this morning right before telling an incredible girl that I didn't want to talk again. I didn't think I would be...
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Wrong Section? Hmm. perhaps this would have been better placed into the Don Juan Tips category. Sorry, I've only been a member of the forums for... an hour or two now. :)
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    Wow Didn't realize I had that much to say about being friends. I don't know if this has been dealt with before, but I just wanted to vent and get that off my chest.
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    No, we can't just be friends!

    You made a mistake. Became friends with a girl you knew you were attracted to. You've probably already surprised the hell out of her by telling her that you're interested in her. She thought about it for a while, and ultimately turned you down, giving you an excuse like, "We work so well as...