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  1. U

    I think I have just realised she had a boyfriend all along?

    Thanks for responses guys! Really interesting you both mention the gut instinct, it was very strange, when I first started seeing this girl, it was endless laughs, huge chemistry between us. But at the same time I would come away and ponder why it felt as if something about it all was not...
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    I think I have just realised she had a boyfriend all along?

    Further to my previous post.. I had to share this as it appears I may of got this one completely wrong, if you can be bothered to read my previous post, it was basically a case of a girl who was hot for me and then went cold on me for no...
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    Why do chicks go hot and cold?

    haha! I don't believe this, this sounds so similar to my situation (check out my thread, you may notice how similar it is) in a way but it was slightly different.... she did all the running in the end, was keen on me and complimentary then suddenly decides to say she didn't like what we did the...
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    Well just a little update- Thanks again guys for the input, I realise I did mess up in certain areas, I'm still a bit pissed about it all, but I know it was a great experience to learn from. I text her again this afternoon due to fact she responded so well the other day, but no response it...
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    Mauser, she's 29. Same as me! You think maybe anti slut defense is at work here?
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    Thanks Yewki, yeah right, this is my biggest lesson yet to be honest, in the past I have always arranged the dates and done the chasing. The fact she kept organising dates made me feel it was all OK, but clearly just because she arranged them didn't make it that way!
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    Thanks for the responses guys, you are telling me what I don't want to hear but I am accepting and realise you are mostly right! I messed up. Regarding the banging situation, she wouldn't let me go any further in the car and I did make her start moaning and very wet just via rubbing a certain...
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    haha! I was going to say that, I would happily provide proof and post her photo, but I get the feeling it could potentially make things worse for me! lol.
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    Yes Harry, I see what you mean! I was naive I think, she was so keen all the time to begin with I didn't feel the need to pull back, I got carried away I guess! It's funny I have upped my game in the last few years and have had girls approaching me which I am not used too, this was the first...
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    Advice on reigniting interest from girl

    My first post on this forum, I couldn't get over how good the advice and content on this forum is, it really is top notch! so I had to post my own question and see what you guys thought. Anyway, here goes, long story, so I met this girl at the gym I work at, she was a 9/10 and we hit it off the...