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  1. L

    Girl w/boyfriend

    My advice would be to let things go. If she comes to you and shows interest try to take advantage of it, but only a one night stand.
  2. L

    Girls calling me gay.What the **** is this????

    You're not gay and that's great... Just a few tips not to confuse the people aroud you: - Do you imagine james bond changing the color of his hair? -> Keep your natural hair color - Do you imagine James bond with such a tee shirt? -> wear the kind of clothes James bond would - Think...
  3. L

    How do you treat ugly girls?

    Treat them well I think you have to treat them well because girls are always talking together. Being great with these girls is a fantastic boost in the way girls look a t you. The nice girls talk with the ugly girls and if you are not well with them, they notice that you are only nice to the...
  4. L

    How do I get a religous girl? experts

    Tip for religious women If she's religious and don't want sex before marriage, tell her you'll wait to marry her to have sex. (Only when she's your girlfriend of course) When I said it to my ex girlfriend, I meant it, and we had sex a few times later. We never get married anyway.