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  1. N

    Single girl seemed annoyed I was talking to girl with b/f

    Is this a sign of attraction? I was at a house party last night and was laying on a hammock with some random girl. We were a foot apart with our feet still dangling off the sides, almost like we were sitting. When I got up another girl (whom I know and was the host of the party) said to me...
  2. N

    More IOI's from younger women while in your 30's than when you were in your 20's

    That's right, I don't think it is my imagination. So, if you are a guy still in your 20's and not getting the female attention from women your age or just a few years younger, it gets BETTER! I am 37, and get more looks from girls 10-15 years younger than I did 10+ years ago. I also know...
  3. N

    What kind of women give you a lot of IOIs?

    [/I] Funny, our stories are similar. I am 6 feet tall and Mediterranean looking (1/2 Italian, dark hair and dark eyes) and this is what I have noticed: Women that are similar looking to me (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc, Middle Eastern, Hispanic), etc, with a FEW exceptions, DON'T give...
  4. N

    Young woman going from hot to completely cold

    I was at a co-worker party recently, met a 22 year old (works for same organization but not same location). I am 37. [I][B] The girl is also moving out of state in two weeks. Girl was giving me good vibes all day and I finally made out with her a few times out on the lake in the dark...