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  1. S

    Talking on the phone

    I was thinking about this while doing cardio tonight. Can you fvck on the phone? If not, limit it and save your DJ mojo for face time.
  2. S

    A girl with only guy friends

    I dated a girl with only guy friends for way too long. The thing to consider is this: while DJ principles dictate that you remain secure and confident, not caring about all her nights with her "friends," that sucks as a long-term option. Unless you seriously don't care if she's screwing...
  3. S

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    The bottom line is that you're dead-on, MW. Back in the day, as long as a guy was a good provider, he'd be guaranteed to be a hot commodity. The ironic part of this is that a guy's odds of being a good provider were much greater (about 85-90% greater, if we were to quantify it) back when...
  4. S

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I don't claim to be the most knowledgeable DJ in this thread (far from it, in fact), but it seems to me that this is all really simple. At the most general level, both men and women look for VALUE from prospective partners. Stunning looks are one means to hold value. Having money is...
  5. S

    Thoughts about David DeAngelo and Double your Dating? [merged threads]

    Hmm ... so you always praise his material, to the point where you also know how good he is about giving money back? This is a bit fishy. I'm not saying you're a shill (I haven't taken the time to read your other posts) but this is odd ... SFLS
  6. S

    Nice Guys- A *****'s View

    man, this post pissed me off - because a lot of this is what I'd do with my first long-term girlfriend, who basically used and abused me, and I was too much of a chump to know any better. I'd give anything to have had this site back in high school. By the way, Gekko - lunch is for wimps. I...