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  1. G

    How to approach this girl?

    What if she is always around friends? I see her in the halls and on the bus only, and she is always with her friends.
  2. G

    How to approach this girl?

    I am in grade 11 and there is this grade 9 girl who I am pretty sure likes me. I have seen her staring at me a lot and I heard her say to her friends that she thinks I'm hot. I obviously want to approach this girl but I only see her in the halls and she is always with friends. I don't have many...
  3. G

    Your Greatest Weapon - Indifference

    I am still being indifferent towards her and haven't talked to her in a few days but I have realized that I still really want this girl. There isn't many other quality girls where I live. I can't decide whether I should talk to her again or continue being indifferent. Or should I just move on?
  4. G

    Your Greatest Weapon - Indifference

    Same stuff happened today. She tried to get my attention but I kept being indifferent. Is this still the right move?
  5. G

    Your Greatest Weapon - Indifference

    There is this girl I know that has very high interest in me. A few days ago I started being indifferent towards her because I heard she liked another guy so I didn't want to waste my time chasing her. I usually started talking to her when I saw her in class but this week I haven't talked to her...
  6. G

    Can no contact help me in this situation?

    There is this girl in one of my classes in college who I am really into and it seemed like she was really into me too. We always talked and laughed in class and we would walk to the next class together. Every time she saw me she would smile and blush and when we talked she would smile really...
  7. G

    Should I keep doing this or should I text her again?

    Before the holidays I broke things off with 2 of my plates for different reasons. So I was only left with one for the holidays. Luckily I got her number before the break so I could text her and see if she wanted to get together. I texted her on the first Monday of the break asking if she wanted...
  8. G

    Your experiences dating religious girls?

    I met this girl in front of my college campus and we hit it off pretty well. We talked for a while and eventually I found out she is a Jehovah Witness. I am wondering if this will affect my chances of dating her because I dont believe in anything. She is really into me and she gave me her number...
  9. G

    How to get more sexual with girls in class?

    bump. really need help with this
  10. G

    How to get more sexual with girls in class?

    I am wondering how you can project a sexual state towards girls in class so you stay out of the friendzone and get them hot and all that good stuff. I was thinking of using subtle kino like holding her hand while looking at her bracelet or playing footsy or something like that but should I also...
  11. G

    does she still like me?

    One thing though, what if she thinks its creepy to go to her house on the first date?
  12. G

    does she still like me?

    Alright cool. And thanks for all your advice. I know a couple good songs that i could show her;)
  13. G

    does she still like me?

    What about asking her if she wants to get together and play guitar after school? I remember her telling me that she has one.
  14. G

    does she still like me?

    Well, We only have a one hour lunch break so what can I do? Unless I ask her if she wants to hang out after school but I'm not sure about that.
  15. G

    does she still like me?

    Ok, I will see if she wants to grab lunch or something tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.
  16. G

    does she still like me?

    So you are saying that because I didn't talk to her, she didn't talk to me? Also, don't you think that if she liked me she would start a conversation?
  17. G

    does she still like me?

    there is this girl i my class that i really like and i think she really likes me too. we are always talking and laughing together and i notice her staring at me a lot and when i say hi to her she smiles and blushes and says hi back. also she is really nice to me and tries to make me laugh a lot...