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  1. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    If she starts calling, how long to make her beg and call, before knowing that she might want to meet up and talk things over? Day 5 now of NC, she calls with private number a couple times a day, i don't pick up. She fooled me last time, she called 55 times on a single day, and made threat...
  2. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Is there anyone that actually want their ex girlfriend back and doing NC for that reason, or am i the only one here? Lol :p Day 4 of NC.
  3. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Im on day 3 right now on the new NC round. She has not called yet. And I sure as hell won't be easy to reach like i was last time. This round of NC it's time to teach her a big lesson. And make her realize that she has lost me forever. Only then might I have my real chance. If she truly believes...
  4. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Well i almost completed 30 days of NC until she called on day 25. Do i have to start all over again? I mean these recent 30 days felt like forever and i was dying each day. It did not get easier for me. I was very happy when she called on day 25 because i started to lose all hope that she will...
  5. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    So if she calls me the next time and tells me how she misses me etc. And i ask her out for a cup of coffee so we can talk out, you think that is wrong thing to do? It will not bring her back or what? Because i think we might be able to talk and try to go for a new start. I know how insecure she...
  6. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Strong story there man. We haven't had any cheating issues though. When she called me last week she did ask me why haven't you called me all this time, it's been several months (it was only 25 days lol) but in her world it felt like months since the last time i called her. Could that mean...
  7. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    What should i do if she calls again? Make her beg by not answering? If yes, for how long?
  8. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Yep I will most def NOT call her. The problem is it's a long distance relationship as she is studying in another city right now so it's kinda hard to set up a date unless she invites me over to her city. I was thinking about ignoring her totally when she calls, atleast for a week if she calls...
  9. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Thanks for your input. I've learned my lesson now i will not call her again. Should i go back to no contact again or what do you suggest? And how should i handle it if she calls me again?
  10. D

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Anyways to make it as short as possible, i've had an on and off relationship with my girl for about 3 years now. The most recent breakup was when she left me some time during the summer. Man i was devastated, i did all the wrong stuff, i was desperate, needy, clingy, you name it. I begged here...