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  1. R

    Here goes...

    Believe it or not, I have some new stuff to share. It's going to be fun, it involves getting back together only to break up again. Then we met again, I was pathetic, she wants to move on and "try something new" with another guy. At least I got some kind of closure, and I generally feel better if...
  2. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    FFS I accidentally sent her a Facebook sticker. That guy saying I should delete Facebook was right!
  3. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Whatever, if I break NC up now and contact her it will just make it worse. Crazy thought there for a second.
  4. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    NC Challenge day #6 And what if I'm wrong? What if I'm just thinking I'm doing the right thing and being strong, not contacting her, not talking to her and thinking I'll just endure it and it'll pass? What if she really is the right one and I'm the one who ****ed up everything from the start?
  5. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    NC Challenge day #5 This one is juicy. Well as I wrote here before, she texted we meet on Friday (today) so she could return some stuff to me. Well we did, I took the stuff gave her back some of hers and as she stood there staring at the floor I said "Well, that's it. Bye". Turned away and...
  6. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    NC Challenge day #3 or 4? Today she sent me a message saying if we could meet on Friday so she could return some books I borrowed her. Also what's interesting is that she didn't specify the time, she said I'll let you know when. I responded 2hrs later and said I can't do it on Friday, but...
  7. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Thanks bro, yeah I'm thinking of blocking her too, but what stopped me is that I don't want her to think she hurt me that bad that I can't stand to look at her anymore. Also, it could make me look rude but seeing this stuff won't be acceptable for a long period, I know... I agree on that...
  8. R

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    NC Challenge day #2 Well we broke off yesterday (, last night I deleted all her pictures and messages from my phone as well as her number. Today I proceeded to delete all pictures on Facebook, even though I left some in which we're with a group...
  9. R

    Here goes...

    Yeah, thought so. Need to find something else to bang pretty soon then. Another question, how long should I wait before I delete all our pictures from FB? She didn't delete the ones on her profile, even though she uploaded pictures to the album last night... I proceeded to delete every one on...
  10. R

    Here goes...

    So here's a little update on how things went after this. We got back together, and it lasted until yesterday. What happened is the day before I told her I don't wish to go out with her that night because I wanted to hang out with my friends and smoke weed (which she is against because she...
  11. R

    Here goes...

    Last night I didn't put a kiss in the usual goodnight text I send her, this morning I get a text saying: "Babe, nobody is forcing you to be with me :)" LOL, the disrespect in this broad... Anyway I kinda cave later on when she calls me saying stuff like if you really care you couldn't write...
  12. R

    Here goes...

    BPD? Well it's been a few days and things haven't been going very well. Last night her mother went AWOL on her because of me, I'm so bad for her, immature, inconsiderate bla bla.. and saying she doesn't want to see me on her doorstep LOL. ****, my gf attacks me because I said I don't want her...
  13. R

    Here goes...

    Well we got pretty drunk the night when I asked her that, so it was the next morning she asked me this kinda like "why are you asking me this, or your feeling guilty of something?" I know I'm going overboard with this, but do you think I should contact that guy on Facebook? He's from another...
  14. R

    Here goes...

    She's only told me this after we made up. I asked her this a few days before but she said nothing happened then. Only when I didn't want to give her an answer if I did anything when we weren't together she told me she kissed this other dude. Do you think there could be more she isn't telling me?
  15. R

    Here goes...

    First of all, thanks everyone for replying. And what would you suggest? She already agreed tonight to trying out some sex-related stuff I wanted. Thanks for this, appreciate it.
  16. R

    Here goes...

    Hello guys, I've known about this place a while back, but I didn't want to register until now. Here's the situation. I'm in a relationship with this girl for almost a year now, we've had ups and downs as any couple does. However, this is my first real relationship (by real I mean more than...