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  1. S

    Fighting back "nerd" style!..lols

    I see... Thanks man!
  2. S

    Fighting back "nerd" style!..lols

    See this is exactly what I mean! I already have it...And as soon as I looked at it I was like..."TOO MUCH!" I just might be one of those guys who needs to figure it out his own way. Although...information seems less to take in when I'm watching a DVD on the subject or something. I prefer to...
  3. S

    Fighting back "nerd" style!..lols

    Ok so here's the thing. Anytime I try to get into this PUA stuff and try to learn how to speak to women I IMMEDIATLY become intimidated and overwhelmed by the amount of information I'm being asked to take in and worst of all...remembering it! I think I know what's happening....There's always...
  4. S

    Parties aren't working so well...

    And I'm ugly as fvck....So that doesn't happen for me...:(
  5. S

    Parties aren't working so well...

    Nahh i tried to whole mystery not so talkative thing....I don't seem to work for me. Infact the SPLIT-SECOND I run outta something to say the only thing I can do is be like..."K thanks for your time ladies" them that's it. I can't KEEP then interested...
  6. S

    Parties aren't working so well...

    So yeah! I've been going to these parties "single's social events" and it hasn't been going well for the following reasons... 1. Music is WAY too f!?king loud! How can I communicate? 2. Once some dude picks his target he's with her the WHOLE night down to the last minute like stink on...