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    Earrings for guys

    Earrings are ok nowadays since men wear earrings and can look trendy. You just have to wear earrings that look masculine enough not no hoop earrings for instance.
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    Chronic 187

    I agree I was just in the gym earlier. There was some cute girls here and there but the gym atmosphere is not conductive for conversation and the way people move made it diffucult. I am still tryna find places in the area that are social conductive. I have tryed wal mart but its kinda odd and...
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    Chronic 187

    Join Date: Jul 2013 Posts: 4 Icee is on a distinguished road Stairway to Heaven I figured I just write some stuff and jot down some goals and let you viewers chime in some good tips and advice. Current Status: Single Semi-beta Lonely Minimum social life No real friends No...
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    Stairway to Heaven

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    fwb wont give head

    Ive learned and been told a girl who wont give head isnt down for you at ALL. Plus she is setting conditions to control you and getting head while you ask. Two options: Dont eat, and simply F*** her brains out and put her as a side piece. 1# option: Dont take her serious and find a real fwb...
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    Any DJs in the bay area?

    I am a bay area Dj in training doing the bootcamp. I am interested in meeting cool people to do missions with first and foremost or just get girls simply. I reside in the bay near berkeley and it would be cool to find someone near here. If your cool just DM me and we can chat and see if...
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    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Day #1 Unfortunately day 1 was a complete dud. I went to Wal-mart before work for 30 mins to get tape and knock down a bunch of greetings. I walked around aimlessly for a while just looking around and making eye contact with strangers. It was a little nerving. But my mouth would not open. I...