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  1. R

    Eating too much fruit...

    Any comment? Maitland Personal Trainer
  2. R

    Cutting the fat

    Any comment? Maitland Personal Trainer
  3. R

    Cardio work!!

    Any comment? Maitland Personal Trainer
  4. R

    Im eating tons of meat, is that dangerous?

    Yes, Eating too much meat can be harmful for you. It can lead to weight gain and obesity which in return bring various health complications. You should cut down the meat and add some veggies, nuts, and grains in your diet to get some good diet for the weight management.
  5. R

    Cutting the fat

    Take green tea, grapefruit juices or lemon water with the empty stomach to cut your fat and lose your excess body weight. Also take fish, nuts, green vegetables salad, and some protein foods to lose your weight through diet.
  6. R

    Any advice on my food?

    In breakfast you should take grapefruit juices, and green tea. Take green vegetables salads, fish, and green beans in your lunch. At night take green vegetables soups for burning you extra fat.
  7. R

    Eating too much fruit...

    Fruits are more beneficial food for our health and fitness. They provide rich amount of the vitamins, nutrition, mineral and calcium to improve our health and control the body weight.
  8. R

    Cardio work!!

    Yes of course cardio exercises are the best for the weight loss and fitness improvement. I also do cardio exercises such as jogging, running, swimming, and cycling in my daily workout for the fitness and weight management.