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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me

    Im too scared Ill be a virgin still in several years if I do that. There arent too many guys in their 20's that are genuinely nice with good character and I dont want my first relationship to be crappy. It seems silly to be like "oh I wanna lose my virginity to you so Ill get in a relationship...
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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me

    Im pretty sure a guy is going to figure out Im a virgin when he tries to stick it in me and it doesnt happen super easily. I am a virgin technically but yes, I have done other stuff so I guess I am an experienced virgin. I dont have issues with a guy trying to get physical with me but the ones...
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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me My POF profile. That I dont use. Assuming by troll you mean someone fake. Yes I am a 24 year old non-fat girl
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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me

    I dont need a relationship but yeah I dont want it to be someone random. Someone I trust and feel comfortable with...yes. I doubt Ill get attached. The first two guys I did everything but have sex with I lost interest in them...I mean I might like the guy I lose it to but itll be because I...
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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me

    Im not a troll. Im not posting a pic because I dont want to get ripped apart and I see alot of people responding are mean. Im not a supermodel but I get told Im attractive alot so whatever... I dont go for 10's. 10's tend to be royal *******s By low quality I mean men that are extremely...
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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me

    Troll??? I am asking online because my girlfriends are no good with this they say just wait and find the right guy but I am tired of waiting and doesnt seem they are too many good guys out there. So I should lie? To the guy who said he'd take it from me how would you want a girl to tell you...
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    female virgin asking how to find a guy to have sex with me

    This is an embarassing issue so yes Im asking on the internet. My girlfriends are of no help with this. When I googled this topic I found this site and who better to ask than a ton of males. I am a 24-year-old virgin. I went to all girls highschool and didnt date other than a date here and...