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  1. H

    Best compliments you've been paid after sex

    "You destroyed me." "I think I came twice.. But I never have before!"
  2. H

    How many women you guys slept with?

    Just hit number 27, had sex three times with three new girls last week, its all about having your head in the right place, not drinking too much and being in the proper situation. When you get on a hot streak keep going, for some reason things go well during these times.
  3. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    Dude I get it, you HATE texting. Lemme give this to you straight, I'm 22 and this is the way things work. Its the truth, ask anyone my age, calling is not an option so early in the game. If I did, then I can guarantee you she would react like this: "why is he calling me?" and not pick up...
  4. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    Agreed. i think I'm just going to open with a statement, something I'm doing, get her response, then ask what her weekend looks like.
  5. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    What has been more successful for you all, asking two days in advance, 1 day or asking totally spontaneous on day of?
  6. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    It sounds like sarcasm to me..
  7. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    So in sum this is what I'm getting as a general consensus. I should wait till thursday giving her a chance to reinitiate contact. If not I will probably text (calling I feel would be perceived as weird to her) Thursday saying: Let's go shoot some pool at xxx bar at around xxx time on...
  8. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    Considering that I said "let's talk next week and figure out a good time" and the fact that I don't know this girl at all (we had a brief exchange at a bar which I straight out asked her to go out sometime). I feel like maybe I will have to initiate, I would be surprised if she does given the...
  9. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    Yeah looking back you're probably right. But in reality you're saying I shouldn't reinitiate contact until she does?
  10. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    The pool idea is brilliant, hadn't thought of that.
  11. H

    Tips on going in for the first date

    I now only use texting to move towards a meet up. I need some advice on actually carrying out the very basic usage I intend, which is a meet up. So here is the convo Me: You! We should grab drinks tomorrow Her: You! What a sweet way to ask me out Me: I know, I'm a real charmer. How's 830 at...
  12. H

    How to post handle a case of whisky ****

    So this girl that was totally DTF and that I find attractive ended up in my bed this weekend. I know for a fact she has been really into me for a while now. Everything is going great and then bam whisky dik. Literally it just refused to work, soon after she said she was tired and needed to go...
  13. H

    How to Deal With a 9-10 w/ all Guy Friends

    Dude the key is have fun, and show your strengths. If she sees you having a blast and doing what you love/ are passionate about she'll respond. LET HER COME TO YOU ON THIS ONE. Don't give special attention to her or do some lame ass attempt at trying to suck up to her. I feel like a lot of...
  14. H

    Need a smooth line to break the ice

    You: I need a female opinion on something. Her: K You: What is your favorite corny pickup line? Her: I don't know uhhh You: Here's mine "How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. I'm {insert name}." Works every time
  15. H

    The Beauty of Mass Texting and Statements

    As all of us have experienced at one time or another there is an anxiety attached to texting. Worries about what to say, how long to wait to respond and a girls lack of response plagues the minds of many guys out there. I was just in the same situation a few short months ago until I found...
  16. H

    How I Went From the Chaser to the Chased Through Text

    Learning from Experience Example of how to dig yourself out of a hole Overview: College aged girl, met her at a party had a solid convo did some flirting, exchanged digits before a concert on campus. She slept over that night no sex. We had discussed a date vaguely, as usual it’s an...
  17. H

    NC Success Stories?

    To clarify I didn't mean success= her coming back to you. But out of curiosity how often does that happen to you all? I swear I'm already seeing 3 other girls I'm just curious.
  18. H

    NC Success Stories?

    So I've started on NC and am almost at the 2 week mark. I'm happy to say that the physical pain of my stomach being in a knot over this girl has pretty much gone away. My question is what are some of your success stories with NC (the girl coming back to you)? How do you act if you happen to...
  19. H

    How to Handle Last Minute Resistance to Sex

    So say your walking a girl back to her place, she's being very flirty tons of kino, you've been making out hard for most of the night ect. You get to her door and then suddenly she says I don't do this with the guys the first night.. But she still is smiling and looking directly at you; like if...