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  1. Z

    Chemical Feminization

    Heh...the link's down. :/
  2. Z

    get drunk **** btcvhes

    Wow, no wonder this forum has such a bad reputation...
  3. Z

    What I've learned from excessive MB

    I've had the same problem as you a while back. My solution was to cut out all but the most peremptorily brief and fleeting exposure to porn. It seriously is the only thing you can do. Check out "your brain on porn" and its ilk; you'll find that there's a growing proliferation of scientific...
  4. Z

    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    You have a point. I guess there's really nothing I can do except to accept that nervousness and partial mental paralysis. A little daunting, but I see your point there too. I guess that's really the only way to thicken my skin up a bit more. I understand these things, but they are honestly...
  5. Z

    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    True; I'm trying to get the hang of it.
  6. Z

    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    D.J.K.A: Thanks! Where can I find this DJ boot camp you speak of? I have a few ideas to spice it up a bit. (My fashion sense.)
  7. Z

    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    @ D.J K.A.: I'm about 5'10'', with the majority of my height coming from my torso. I'm thin with some slight musculature. I do martial arts and they keep me fit, while not doing much for my physical size. My arms are small as ****. I could be leaner. (I.e. No bonafide "six pack" [just a...
  8. Z

    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    I'm not sure if it's a self-esteem thing or what. I don't hate myself, I'm not all that insecure. I'm balding: that's about the only thing over which I'm in any way insecure. I cut my hair short--basically ~ a #1. I'm sure shaving my head would be better considering the stage it's at, but I...
  9. Z

    Cannot Cold Approach in the Daytime- terrified of rejection

    Hey all, I'm not quite new to the whole pickup-scene but am having a major problem with the the 'day game' scene. I cannot, I repeat, cannot cold approach in the daytime. I need some advice on how to cope with this problem. I've gone through university feeling the agony of hundreds of...