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  1. N

    What does "I just don't know what to say" mean?

    I've liked my friend for a while now. It started off as a small crush, but over time, gradually developed into what it is today. I never wanted to date her before, but now, I always smile when I see her smile. I think it's incredible cute when her nose wrinkles when she laughs. I just want...
  2. N

    Starbucks Barista

    Let me elaborate. I have no problem talking to really any one else, but for some reason this barista just seems harder to talk to, be that she is in a work environment. Idk.
  3. N

    Starbucks Barista

    Alright, thanks for all the tips. I've been busy with school up until now, so I'll try as soon as the weekend is over (which is when I go back on campus)
  4. N

    Starbucks Barista

    So I frequent a Starbucks daily that's close to my campus (close meaning, 1 minute walk) and there's this seriously cute barista working there. I think she just started there recently, but I'm wondering how I would go about approaching her? Even if just a friendly way. I don't know her name...