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  1. K

    Can any guy pull?

    Pulling the girls I certainly would agree with this. When I was younger at school, out of all us boys in the class only about 2 would be able to pull the girls with ease.
  2. K

    Does she want reassurance? She wants to travel abroad.

    Why bother with the hasle. There are many more fish in the sea. I am assuming that you are a younger person and if that is the case remember you have your whole life ahead of you. Dont rush:)
  3. K

    Does she want reassurance? She wants to travel abroad.

    Why bother with the hassle. There arfe plenty of fish in the sea. I am assuming that you are a younger person and if so, remember, you have your whole life ahead of you, no need to rush:)
  4. K

    Getting over a heartbreak

    I think a lot of us have been thru this sort of thing and its sure not easy. Old "clechea" I know but time will heal all things and one day you will wonder why you were so hurt because it will drift into insignificance:yes: