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    TORONTO Sarging - NOV 15!!!

    hi im in
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    Toronto MSN wingmen guys..

    hey im asian im 23 msn: koolart_guy yours??? name: nationality: age: msn:
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    Field Report from Tonic niteclub!

    bump bump.. have fun...dont think relax..loosen up practice dancing. confidence is the key and girls will see it.. approach with confidence like you are vip in the club..!!! and if she rejects you... so what.. move to the next target.. just have fun!!! laugh about it with your buddies...
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    All toronto DJs!!!!!

    whats your name, age, nationnality?? and msn.. lets go guys!! lets hook up and help one anothere
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    All toronto DJs!!!!!

    bump bump
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    All toronto DJs!!!!!

    im in whats your name, age, nationnality?? and msn.. lets go guys!! lets hook up and help one anothere
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    Meeting a girl from online

    same here it met alot of girls online.. like 20 and most are bad but some are good.. just be patient online
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    bump wow...excellent..should be bible material HPNOTQ yeah i know my goal is kind of lame.. but Its hard to focus 2 things at time.. career and chicks.. ill try my best to take care of my future and get a good job 1st.. and your difinition of sucess is better then mine no doubt..thnx...
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    goal is women my goal in life is be the master don juan.. my goal is to **** 100 women in my life.. so thats all i think about.. howabout u guys??
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    hey can some1 be addicted to women? can it be a serious problem??? all i talk and think about is women... when I pick 1 up it makes my day..if not i feel sad.. I dont even think about looking for a job or my future.. : ( my head is all girls,girls,girls.. is this noraml ir is it only...
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    best PU artist

    hey just curious not showing off.. jsut curious who has this kinda gut like i do... so any one out there that go out and do this kinda thing when the see a hot girl? cold PU... how many in a day..
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    best PU artist

    only 2-5? comon guys I thought we learnt not to be afraid of rejection? I did mine at the beach // some were snobby but most were friendly adn they had bfs.
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    best PU artist

    whats the highest # of girls you walk up to and talk to them.?? tonite mine was 15? and got 3# and 2 email lol u?
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    high IL?

    without me> she would have taken a bus or taxi??? dunno yet havnt talk to her since. ill update how this goes...
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    high IL?

    used??? it was either high IL or she xould of used me for a ride home ... \ who knows.... any comment>
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    high IL?

    I was in a restaurant where i saw this cute waitress. well i ask her what time the store closes and she said 4am. im like so whos taking you home? shes like no1 and i said look are you special enough that i should wait for you unitl 4 am and take you home>>? shes like well if you want...
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    Online Personals (Merged threads)

    is it desperate?? i was going to ask her if she wanted to come over because we clicked but I didnt want to feel desperate? should i have ask? when do I ask her to come to my house? 2nd date? and is it desperate to ask a girl to your house the 1st date.. even though I know there was high IL.
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    Online Personals (Merged threads)

    sucess with online date. I went on a blindate lastinte. i met this girl online and before we met.i made sure i saw all her photos. well it went great!! we watch a movie and we made out during the movies. now whats next?? i need your help guys.. waht do i do next?? whne do i call?
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    Asian DJs, represent!

    Re: Re: jake ..where are the tips? what certain women am i after? im after all women.. but would like some help or tips on picking up non-asians really. its becasue i never dated them b5 so i would like to try since ive olny had asians, and i do love asians. they are HOT!!
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    Asian DJs, represent!

    jake ..where are the tips? i need to find my self a caucausian.. help:D i think asians girls get approch more often then whites in my area ..... so therfore its easier for me to talk to asian chick for some reason.. im talking bout cold PU's here.. any one else agree? not all but most...