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  1. S

    Asking Her for "Advice"

    What do you guys think of asking a girl you like for advice for "someone you like" and then when she gives it to you, using that very same advice on her. Has anyone tried this before or am I just being stupid?
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    Low text interest but high in-person interest?

    Don't rely on text for calibration. I've learned that text isn't a reliable way to indicate if a girl is interested in you, just because it's hard to pull emotion through words on a phone. She may just be a lazy texter. I know sometimes I'll write long ass paragraphs when I'm feeling social, and...
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    Decent Opener?

    Anybody ever use "Don't I know you" or "You look familiar" as an opener? If you have, has it worked out well for you?
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    how the hell do you meet new people?

    I know the struggle of not being able to meet anyone in my town. I live in the smallest town in my state, and on the off chance that I do meet someone new, they usually are a bit odd and quite frankly, I don't do odd. What I do is spend alot of my time in the city besides my town. Its pretty...
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    Against Guy Code?

    Honestly, a lot. We've been friends since 2nd grade.
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    Against Guy Code?

    So I realized I have a crush on one of my friends' little sister. Would it be wrong for me to ask her out? I hear that its against the 'guy code' to date your friend's siblings.
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    Journal #2: Journal of a Boss

    Alright here is a run down of what I've been up to Recently, I've been starting DJBC again, I need to surround myself in the Dj lifestyle. I have been really AFC, and I'm looking to improve. Over the summer, it became apparent to me through my friend that I am sort of "slinky". I'm tall and...
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    Journal #2: Journal of a Boss

    So after a summer without using any sarging, I'm back. School has started and I'm going to give this another shot (especially because I'm now in a place where there are PLENTY of girls to game). I'm starting week one of bootcamp again as a confidence booster. Once I finish it, and feel as good...
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    My last post.

    Dude, you'll definitely be missed! Good luck on your life, you seem like you don't need it though. Haha cya man
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    Forum Name

    Is there anyway that either I get my name changed or get this account deleted?
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    First Date (Urgent)

    I finally landed a Day 2 with a girl who I was acquitances with at school (we have mutual friends, and we'd had a few conversations before, but were'nt good friends. We have been texting alot since school's been out (about 3 weeks ago) and I asked her to join me and my friends to the movies. She...
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    Magic Bullets & The Game!

    So these have been two books that I really enjoyed. They both really breakdown everything so that it's fully Comprehensible to a noob like me. Check em out: The Game by Neil Strauss: Magic Bullets by Nick Savoy...
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    2 Problems, 1 Thread

    Idk what's up, but I live in a town with little to no chicks and no social places where kids my age hang out. I moved here a few months ago, and last week I asked a few kids if they knew anything interesting to do here, they all said no. My only way of meeting girls would be in the town I go to...
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    Journal #2: Journal of a Boss

    Day #28 6/24/13 I haven't been productive at all these past few days. I didn't spend much time with HBAsian, the minute I isolated her, I became completely unnatracted to her. (Could of just been me, or cat string theory, or maybe it was just the giddup she was wearing). I ended flirting with a...
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    Journal #2: Journal of a Boss

    So I didn't see HB7 or HBAsian today but I did perform with Tpt. at graduation (which went pretty well, btw). I feel like complete crap because I didnt even get her # let alone ask her out. I had plenty of chances (we basically chatted through the whole performance). Plus, afterwards we talked...
  16. S

    Journal #2: Journal of a Boss

    Day #21 6/17 I didn't go to the green tuesday, (my parents wouldn't let me go), I ended up stuck in the house (no excuse not to practice right?). I msg'ed one of the girls I met last week during school on FaceBook (no reply). I talked with HBAsian as well. She was very flirty, running her...
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    FaceBook Opener

    Yeah, something quick and funny that would simply get us acquainted.
  18. S

    Links, books, advice, whatever the hell I can get to change this summer...

    Read The Game by Neil Strauss! Great read and you actually learn within the first few chapters: Also, pick up on something like magic, palm reading, etc.
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    FaceBook Opener

    So she used to go to this school that my friend went to (and my friend used to tell me jokes about the girls there and how they were evil and city throat lmao). So I opened like this: "Hey, I see you went to [her old school]. Is it try what they say about the girls there?"
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    FaceBook Opener

    I'm pursuing this girl, I was going to use FaceBook to get her number (since I don't get any chance to see her during the day), and then get a day 2 from text game. But I see every opportunity as practice. I wouldn't know when the 'right' time is to compliment her. I'm still learning (soaking...