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  1. Z

    Ex broke no contact after one month.....advice please don't wanna make a bad decision

    I decided to just leave it at response from my part. What usually happens after that though? Well there's only two possibilities 1) she never contacts me again. 2) she keeps trying?
  2. Z

    Ex broke no contact after one month.....advice please don't wanna make a bad decision

    Yea i became too available, she wasn't chasing me anymore. I pretty much put her on a pedestal. That was my biggest mistake. After the break up I did a lot of research and have concluded the same thing it's over for a reason. I honestly don't know what I want. I can take her into a FB, but I...
  3. Z

    Ex broke no contact after one month.....advice please don't wanna make a bad decision

    Long story short she broke up with me out of the blue... She offers friendship I decline cause I won't be able to move on with her still in the picture. Last Saturday I got invited to a mutual friends party and she was there. At first she would ignore me, so I started talking to random girl...
  4. Z

    need some advice.....on ex GF

    thats exactly what i will do...i can't base my decisions of attending certain parties or going to certain clubs just cause she's there. she broke up with me for a reason, and it is still fresh but i know that once a relationship ends theres no fixing it. it will end up the same in the long...
  5. Z

    need some advice.....on ex GF

    here's the ex broke up with me a month ago which i went completely NC with her....deleted her pictures, messages, etc...its been one month since the break up and 3 months since ive seen her(she left to do an internship out of state). like i said im doing great with the NC...but...
  6. Z

    tired of being confused!!

    So heres the situation, i met a girl and we hit it off. We started talking and decided to hang out one nite. We had dinner then drove around and talked the whole night it didnt go as far as holding hands i didnt want her to think i was only looking to get laid since it was the first time we...
  7. Z

    any advice would be nice and greatly appreciated

    You have a point there is nothing to move on from! Thanks for making it simple to undrrstand sometimes over analyzing just messes with your head too much.
  8. Z

    any advice would be nice and greatly appreciated

    i guess this is where my pride has to kick in and just move on....
  9. Z

    any advice would be nice and greatly appreciated

    i've seen some posts on here that are really long and personally sometimes im too lazy to read them. with that said im gonna try and keep mine short and to the point. i met a girl in a bar kinda...she was really drunk and i couldnt approach because im pretty sure her friends were gonna get...