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    Advice needed on protein. Shakes or Wholefood? Really good site for those in the UK
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    Pof - Online Dating Is Bottom Of The Barrel?

    Put your wealth as 250k+ and occupation as an investment banker and see what happens, I'm curious to see if it's just looks or if perceived money plays a huge role as well.
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    Summer Bootcamp

    Got exams till the 22nd, I'll try catch up from there.
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    Holy moly.. Mildly obsessed after first date with a girl.

    Not bad, just make sure you don't get oneitis or start having long texting convos with her. I can see how it can be easy to fall into that trap at this stage.
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    A fine example of what you SHOULD NOT do when talking to people. For those who can't see it.
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    Tom Leykis Show is Back!

    This guys is hilarious, like seriously.
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    Touching her, kino. Read parts of the HS bible if you don't know what it is. Touching playfully and escalating etc, he said what he means.
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    I think my gf is going to break up with me need some advice

    Never ask a female for advice on women, they rarely ever know what they want. It's better to ask guys on this forum, or guys who are good with women etc. Could you post a modified version (to avoid google searches) of the letter here?
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    Push and Pull - The Experiment

    I know, I've been watching your thread from the start. What I meant is, it was so random that she must be constantly wondering what she did wrong (unless she is actually dumb enough to think it was due to the phone call, which I doubt)
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    Push and Pull - The Experiment

    Wow, she must be epicly confused right now.
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    2nd date in 18 years and I got stood up.

    What does NC stand for btw?
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    Date ideas

    Haunted house?
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    Im really Fed up im a AFC in need of help please.

    Read the HS Bible, and the DJ bible when you have time. Then just practice and learn from your mistakes.
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    High School Don Juan Bootcamp: Week 1 - Hit The Ground Running

    Just joined the forum so only recently saw the objective. Going to try get all 10 done today/tomorrow in time for the next one.
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    High School Don Juan Bootcamp!

    From the UK, new to the forum but joining! I got a lot to learn :woo: