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  1. D

    Is Insta necessary?

    If it helps, apparently, blocking is a game on Instagram. You have to know their social media handle to block the person. There's help articles across the internet explaining how to block someone after they had blocked you. So if you meet someone in the gym and they're asking for that and...
  2. D

    How to act with female friends?

    Wow, I must have it good especially when I went to art college and to me, keeping their interests is like an art and they get entertained when they see good art and stay around. I have ways to keep them around, if they are my friends, (not "friends"), so why not get involved and it's unusual...
  3. D

    Research says 50% of women have a backup partner in mind when in a relationship

    Shocking, I thought it would be the full 100% or at least over 75%!
  4. D

    Stopping Porn

    I watch it and think about it, most of the week. I'm not going to be denial over that but only because I can't get over how the participants of the genre struggle to make what they want to really make out of it. Maybe it makes millions but sometimes I think those millions go to the wrong people...
  5. D

    Getting girls can turn you into a loser

    Depends on what sense from the context of the first post. I see what the topic creator means. The best example I could think off is the bee hive metaphor with what happens to drone bees when they become useless and it's everything else from there! I'm not sure if that's not me!
  6. D

    Is Insta necessary?

    I think Insta is bought up in the conversation a such a way to show a bit of trust between you and him. Instagram is rather fair platform for a number of reasons and him being 22, I think it's just a quiet way of saying to trust him a little bit but then his experience in social media, does get...
  7. D

    Doesn't anyone explain social network features anymore?

    I don't feel bad about analysing it and I should be but I wouldn't say women do that senselessly. Sometimes it's fair to say that they want to protect themselves across social networks but I think they are being over-protective about it with the dating game. When they coordinate what's in the...
  8. D

    Doesn't anyone explain social network features anymore?

    Some other examples, because I think this is a huge deal with the amount of technology and how people are using them and where they are using them, not just places like FB and Twitter... One being Inviting me to a social network just because it just there. There was a girl that always used to...
  9. D

    Doesn't anyone explain social network features anymore?

    Doesn't anyone explain social network features anymore? Hello, Just thought I'll drop by to share a few moments from myself. My question for everyone, including myself, doesn't anyone explain the social network features and how they affect the end user? I'm talking about in terms of how...
  10. D

    Women with kids who say "my kid comes first"

    Well yeah... it's true. Maybe use it to see what you are capable off. Maybe guys have kids but not every guy is 'Superman' to keep the right energy and support to make her feel safe to pass that energy to her kids... how would you like it when you have a kid and a woman who has to put up or feel...
  11. D

    The "Red Pill" vs. "Blue Pill" divide

    I'm a blue pill taker... I would like to know where the truth leads too but I just had to say on the blue pill.
  12. D

    Man brushed past woman in busy UK subway station, then faces sex charge as a result

    I'll say it right here. Welcome to London! *sarcasm* It's not like that all over the UK but still... there's loads of cases like that around here in London. I'm sure you'll find them if anyone wants to look.
  13. D

    Entertainment Industry

    Agreed with the homosexual acts unless there's anything else shocking to be put on the screen or to be heard! You'll break into the industry very well if you shock people with what you put up there.
  14. D

    Being Fat Makes You Stupid

    No surprise there... even before MRI scans and all that fancy tech stuff... many people in history thought the same thing.
  15. D

    Killing Newborns No Different Than Abortion, Says Judge & Experts

    ...because whoever slept with that woman for her to kill the newborn clearly doesn't care! It's not a trick question. That's why sex education is around and if people don't know that having sex can make baby, then there something really wrong going on there!
  16. D

    "Obama promotes veteran agent in attempt to rid organisation of macho culture"

    The time when Arnold Schwarzenegger was popular during the 70s, the macho culture was great. This is such interesting news but it's true thou because people do watch too much television!
  17. D

    Being verbally abusive acceptable?

    reply to topic title alone. Not it's not alright. Words are powerful and they can hurt people! Stay something nice or don't say anything at all. For the rest, if you do want to redirect someone, redirect them. Tell them to return back when they have the right answer because they don't have the...
  18. D

    Alcohol having undesired effects

    I had someone tell me that 'Kung Fu makes you horny!'. I do wonder why Jocks all the chicks in the first place. I don't like taking alcohol (like taking rumcake), I grew up trying to make people laugh and I failed the same way people enjoyed taking and using the drink to crack a joke. Laugh at...
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    I "stole" a girl from her bf and now she's going back to that guy

    You're going to meet alot of actresses like this one!
  20. D

    G/F keeps putting me on the spot.

    She wouldn't be worth it. There nothing wrong if your girlfriend leave you after years of hard work. If she walks, she walks! The only person that makes that decision for the both of you is YOU!