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  1. T

    How to be still be fun with groups but avoid the gay vibe?

    I have this problem as well. I am very into fashion and I dress super well. I talk about fashion openly with girls too. In large groups with men and women, I tend to be very flirty with everyone, men and women (partly because that puts the attention of all on me, and I like teasing other guys...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 4 Went to class today and saw her in class. Surprisingly, I felt nothing. I was kind of high on life though. It's midterm week and I've been kind of taking things easy for myself, and being in a totally positive mindset. There was no urge to go talk to her, or even make her notice me. So I...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    We're both students in the same major and most of the events (esp. the social ones) are announced via FB. So most everyone in the major are at least FB friends with each other. We added each other before we had a relationship. I'm not sure if blocking her is a good idea as it might make it seem...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 1 Recently broke up with my ex. The break up was somewhat amicable and I do still like her. I tried really hard to push through not being friends, and she concedes, but I realize now that she still thinks we should just be friends. Some details here...
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    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    Thanks guys. This forum is actually surprisingly effective at helping me move on and get motivated about meeting others. A bit more reflection on this. Other than not just cutting it off right away, I think I definitely tried to push the "beyond friends" thing too hard because I was so afraid...
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    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    Just a quick update. Now ex-gf and I had a little chat today over afternoon tea. Before I could pull the trigger and break it off (or maybe I was still too AFC and taking too long), she told me we wanted different things. And she didn't want to be BF/GF. But we are beyond friends. And then she...
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    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    Let's hope I don't go AFC and I stick this through. I feel like I'm always giving her excuses for being cold to me (e.g. midterm season, she's sick, it is indeed raining and cold, maybe I'm overanalyzing or my gut instincts are wrong... etc.) But yea I should just accept that she's not...
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    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    You guys are right about my needing to sort out my emotions and insecurities. I think I'm developing both oneitis and becoming super beta, especially because of this: Moving to a new totally unfamiliar country is messing with my mindset so I'm getting super attached to this one girl. Anyway...
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    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    I'm 23 and she's 19. This is kind of silly, but yea only about 3 months. As for how I know about the other guys, she hasn't mentioned anything directly to me. But she did mention it to my friend when we were all just chatting in a group. She hasn't mentioned the other guy yet at all except this...
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    How should I deal with lower interest and other guys trying to game my girl?

    Here's some background. GF has been acting distant lately, and I feel like her interest level is dropping. So I've been trying to go mild contact. (I also kind of made a lot of AFC mistakes earlier on... Acted super available some time ago since I just moved to a new country and she was the...
  11. T

    Need some advise please.

    Made out a few times. Grope, finger... etc. etc. Fairly sexual, but no sex yet. Dating for about a month. This is totally true. You're right about that. That's a good point. I can see the warning flags, and I'm ready to exit if need be.
  12. T

    Need some advise please.

    I'm dating this girl and she has been acting hot and cold towards me the last two weeks. I have decided to start going mildly NC over the weekend, and I think it's catching her attention. (e.g. I flaked on a movie date and spent Sunday having my own adventure. She left a comment on FB saying...