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  1. B

    Going to get a gym pass.

    True. So should I get protein,creatine and a multi vitamin?
  2. B

    Going to get a gym pass.

    Going to get a pass to a gym about 5 minutes away from me. Should I buy any supplements? I mainly want to achieve a six-pack and get bigger arms. My friend has told me to buy creatine instead of protein powder. But I figured I would ask other people instead of listen to one person about this...
  3. B

    Nino-Tk's Journal of Women

    I request a picture of what you wear to school. Shoes included. You can PM me if you don't feel like posting it here. :)
  4. B


    I have decent confidence and I'm ok looking but I just can't seem to apporach girls. No matter how hard I try I just cannot do it... Any tips? :whistle: