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  1. S

    Why men are not asking women out on dates like they used to?

    I totally agree with u Atom Smasher. That is why i was saying " Something is wrong with that picture (general picture that man stay "waiting" for the girls) and I certainly don’t think that was the way God intended it. Are man inferior and wait for the female to move on? I think that men need to...
  2. S

    Female self esteem issues

    Do u know why this phenomena happens to the extremely attractive girls, and the extremely unattractive ones? Because both of them have not chances to keep in touch with the opposite sex. Man are afraid of extremely attractive girls and do not like unattractive girls. Please see below the...
  3. S

    Women = Garbage?

    The reason they are all garbage is that MAN WANTS A WOMAN TO RUN TO HIM. As far as u like those women they are all garbage. You want to have fun and "only fun" can be done with this so-called garbage. As long as man like "man-female" - the reason is he wants to be secure in her feelings for...
  4. S

    Why men are not asking women out on dates like they used to?

    I am really confused related to the "today" men. I am shocked that all guys are just going to let all the women ask them out, because this way is less risky for. I am writing even from my closest friend situation. My close friend (30 yrs old now, a manager and professionally in good situation...