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  1. V

    is this a good sign?

    thanks guys
  2. V

    is this a good sign?

    Just went out to dinner on my first date with this chick. I was hella tired that night cause I worked graveyard the night before, so I warned her to slap me if i fell asleep, she laughed. But anyway the date went well and she pretty much talked on and on and being AFC by pretty much telling me...
  3. V

    First step after gaining the DJ knowledge.

    Don't be such an a**hole htemorp their trying to help.
  4. V

    Is this a smart thing to do?

    She's playing you man, I would definitely next her. I would never let a girl make me her second choice no matter how busy she is.
  5. V

    Girls calling me gay.What the **** is this????

    You look pretty gay dewd
  6. V

    anti-anxiety drug: Paxil Quest.

    My doctor subscribed an anti-anxiety drug called Paxil. I've heard that it works wonders, but i know some people taking it and that it affects their sex drive. My uncle takes it, and hasn't had a gf for years, due to the side affects of this drug. I am skeptical about taking this, and am...