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  1. A

    What's a good response?

    Thanks for the response, and I agree with all your points. I shall not be texting back, no sense wasting any more effort/time than I already have.
  2. A

    What's a good response?

    Hey, I think I'll already know what I'm gonna say but thought I'd just ask for opinions.. Basically met a girl in a club(can't really remember it but got her number anyway). So a couple weeks later met her for a coffee and it went OK.(Not amazing, but not terrible. It's hard to say). I waited...
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    Back in the game after many many years...

    Just let it naturally come up in conversation, no? It's seems like something that would get brought up eventually in the first few dates. Just make sure not to go on about it too much.
  4. A

    Girlfriends talking/hanging with guys from the past

    Start pumping someone else on the side, claiming to her it's an old friend from high school. It's a total **** move, but it will make you feel great. Or end it. Regardless, unless you construct some master plan to potentially catch her in the act, you are never going to know if she actually...