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  1. D

    Gut Feeling Vs Reality

    No, it not that these "pro relationship agenda people" are going to give you hell, it's simply the fact, judging from your reply, that people like you don't know what it's like to truly fall in love. Look at it from a biological point of view: why would nature makes us suffer all the...
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    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    :whistle: :rolleyes: Moron, total utter moron, just like L777. Here's a man who knows talking: And here on this thread we have an amazing retort to you, L777, here's taster of it: It's stuff like that, L777, that makes you and all your supporters lose total utter credibility...
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    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    You know, there was a poster called LAWYER who got banned. And he was banned mainly because he knew what he was talking about and did not, in general, give advice. He just told how it is, just like me. The truth sets you free, but first it makes you angry. I feel sorry for the people in...
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    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    Lets repeat it again if you still don't get it: We are laughing at what you're going to become: a sad deluded individual who thinks he can get any woman he wants, just like all the other w*nkers in the PUA community.
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    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    :crackup: Where's your evidence? You have none. You know why? It's because you can't think straight. You spout the crap that the PUA community put into your head, they do the thinking for you, and you carry the torch for them, never realising that you've been duped. Do you know when you are...
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    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    :whistle: Obviously you can't even think straight can you? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: because L777 is an idiot, like most of the posters here. Thinking involves a lot you know, they just don't want to do it. They belong to the "I buy this...
  7. D

    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    I did NOT say "its all down to appearance". That's your miss understanding. Read Potato's posts to get what he and I are trying to say to you. I came here trying to get over someone, not trying to get all the HB10s and trying to get "game" that will improve me getting HB10s. Looks are an...
  8. D

    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    1. I'm not a troll. I actually turn my brain off when I'm on these boards since I know that 99.99% of the posts will be by deluded people like yourself, which makes reading them painfully tedious, but it gives me a good lesson in how the majority of people seem to want to think and why people...
  9. D

    Why appearance is irrelevant and game is easy

    Because you're a moron, and so are most of the posters here. Looks actually do matter. Just as much as they matter to us when we select what woman we go for. There would be no need for a fashion and beauty industry if it were not so. There would be no careers for these seriously stunning men...
  10. D

    Love Stinks...

    Sounds genuine to me. Already, straight off the bat you are already judging him!:rolleyes: There are no DJs! How many times do I have to say that. All because you join a site it qualifies you as an expert or be able to bed any woman you want?:rolleyes: You can't help your FEELINGS, that's the...
  11. D

    Do you believe in Karma?

    I will totally close the issue for you. If you read the last chapter of "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins you have the chapter "Nice Guys finish first". I will not repeat the chapter, but here we see a plausible explanation for "reciprocal altruism". That essentially what "Karma" is about...
  12. D

    Of Piranhas, Pythons, and Crocodiles: An Essay Against Evolution Denial

    If you think you have a consistent, logical framework of a theory please put it forward here. You don't and that's what p*sses you off. The theory of evolution will ALWAYS be a threat to all the major religions of the world simple because it attacks their claims, showing that they are...
  13. D

    Why I Hate Short Men

    How many times do people need to tell you: you are NOT short. But you are also not tall either. Why are you so obsessed about your height. If you are 5' 4", then yes, you are classified as short. If you are 5' 8" then no, you are not short. The character trait in short guys that you are...
  14. D

    Drugs in the Water

    We learn new things in science everyday, and it slowly fills out to general knowledge over time. That's the price you pay for progress. Journalists always go for a sensational story since it helps their careers - that's their agenda. We live in world where everyone has their own agendas and the...
  15. D

    How I Slept With an Aspiring Import Model and Her Sister (Part I)

    No, aldaris is giving you a reality check, and he's been very informative and polite about it. Very well put, aldaris. Your post, Existential, is typical of guys who need to show off because they lack self esteem, and you fall prey to this "3 second rule" and "gaming" rubbish. What you have...
  16. D

    I may be overanalyzing creating value the same as trying to impress a woman?

    My compliments on such a wonderful post, things that I've been trying to say but you say it so much better. They're not gurus, they are individuals who know how to con people. There is nothing to stop anyone setting themselves up as a "guru" and claim themselves as one, and there are no...
  17. D

    Neil Strauss: The Game

    Here a thread that people who are clued up reply to, just look at the state of the discussion and how most of the posters feel sorry for the ones being conned by What I'm trying to say is the Strauss's book and a lot...
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    Neil Strauss: The Game

    So why would I bother to start a thread like this? Ask yourself why? Because, however you want to see it, I like to see what speaking to a bunch of totally delusional people is like. People who are willing to emotionally react and not think due to their pathetic beliefs. In fact it seems to...
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    Neil Strauss: The Game

    Strauss, to me, is an ugly guy, like Ross Jefferies. He goes on about how in his early years it was always the other guys that gotten the women, and were making out with them, and not him. And guess what? It's still that way now for him, although he won't tell you that because he needs to keep...
  20. D

    Neil Strauss: The Game

    I'm not disputing whether mystery f*cked a lot of women (and quite frankly it's vulgar and I don't care to know). I'm disputing the doctrines laid out in the book and behind sites like I can probably f*ck a lot of women myself if I lower my standards a little, but that would...