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  1. M

    Need some advice from my fellow DJs

    haha ... this post can actually be deleted, she contacted me about 1 hour after I wrote it . Thanks for the replies ! :cool:
  2. M

    Need some advice from my fellow DJs

    I must say that I rarely have posted or have used the forum, although I find it a great tool to perfect certain skills with females. I just wanted some quick advice as I have heard a lot of different opinions from friends, so I am almost positive that you guys will give me the best possible...
  3. M

    Religion in public schools: yay or nay?

    I would tell them to go to hell :)
  4. M

    Now idea what the problem is

    Did you notice that you never used the word "MAN" in any of this. Think about it. :)
  5. M

    How To Respond To A Girl Who Dumps You Over Facebook (or Text)

    You guys are missing the point. The point is not to make her think, "why isn't he not responding". This is wrong, the correct thinking behind this is, What kind of person breaks up with someone over facebook/text? This is my issue, and the correct answer is NOT to respond at all. She is...