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  1. L

    Comparing yourself to others...

    Not posted for a while but I am a regular reader of the forums, I thought I would share this.. I find my biggest issue with women / self-esteem is I constantly compare myself to others...alot of the time unfairly...In looks and intelligience and career. For example I compare myself to people 5...
  2. L

    Big Mouthed Women

    Guys, Anyone had experience with Women who have big mouths? And tell people things they shouldn't? I went with a Girl @ work about 2 months ago....then recently I got ridiculously drunk at a party and she looked after me...I woke up in her bed and couldn't remember a thing.... Neeless...
  3. L

    Dealing with a LJBF and other stuff in the workplace

    Lads, Just looking for some advice here on how to handle a situation. I got the LJBF treatment for a girl I was trying to fvck @ work... and everyone knew there was something going on between us, the other night we all went out for drinks and I ended up shouting at her as she was trying to get...
  4. L

    Confident Persistance or Next!

    Dilemma solved got the LJBF treatment, it was a shame though thats all down to the fact I work shifts and never got to meet her by chance or anything to build attraction...oh well NEXT!
  5. L

    Confident Persistance or Next!

    Hi all, I have been on here for around 2 months so know the basics and am not going to ask any silly questions, but im looking for some sound advice. I've got an HB8 from work who i've been chatting to on and off for a couple of months, lately I decided to ask her for a drink after...
  6. L

    Introducing Myself + Situation Advice

    Yeah I intend to see how she is then say "Im at work the next couple of days, was thinking we should should meet for lunch again..." No she works in a different department and if it went bad then it would not really affect me in a bad way, would just have to see her every now and then which...
  7. L

    Introducing Myself + Situation Advice

    You know's weird until someone points out those just think it's ok..funny thing is face to face I'm fine but I find it hard to project strength and confidence using text messaging.. Still anybody think that I should wait until I can confidently ask her face to face...or...
  8. L

    Introducing Myself + Situation Advice

    BBM is BlackBerry Messenger...its an instant messaging thing Yeah we live quite far away from eachother...and work is sort of central to were we both live. Im not sure if asking for a meet outside of work hours too early on will make her feel uncomfortable or not..
  9. L

    Introducing Myself + Situation Advice

    Hi all, Been reading these forums for a while now but never felt compelled to contribute, I like the information provided on this forum and have managed to get some good action from using some of the material. However it is now that I would appreciate some advice on my current predicament...