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  1. M

    Definitions of man

    Squirrels, cheers, I didn't mean to cast judgement on any folks on the forum with that last comment...you are right this is just an internet forum. The 'type' of guy I'm talking about is not even close to a "star" of any social circle actually. As another poster mentioned, placing people...
  2. M

    Definitions of man

    squirrels, it's the 'old breed' of men that are going away. Most of this site is proof of that.
  3. M

    Definitions of man

    I work in the maritime industry, inland waters. The guys I mentioned are Bar Pilots. This is the top spot in the maritime industry, these guys make 450K a year, some years much more. What the pilots do, is board a ship coming into port and pilot it to the dock. These ships are...
  4. M

    Barley Holding on, need some advice.

    What exactly are you waiting for? Her decision on whether to stay together. As hard as this may sound, she probably already made up her mind. When women pull the "need space" card, it's a way of softening the blow. By you waiting for her like a puppy, isn't going to change anything...
  5. M

    Women & Sex

    I see your point (I think). Thing is we know high testosterone levels increase attraction for men and increased libidos, but again, we are attracted to feminine women. Women with high test, show more masculine traits, however, they are less attractive to 'us', and also more likely to be...
  6. M

    Definitions of man

    We tend to put ourselves in labels, such as alpha's, betas, etc. These terms are easy to see, and we can separate men based upon any social interactions, such as weddings, bar scenes, etc. The man surrounded by women must be an alpha, etc. However, in my experience, there's a third 'type'...
  7. M

    Modesty equals weakness?

    Well said Tyte. :) The article posted, equates modesty to being metro-sexual, lack of confidence, etc...it's a biased article. I agree with your definition of modesty. In my experiences in life, the boastful guys tend to cower and waiver when their act doesn't work. Combine...
  8. M

    Women & Sex

    I think Rollo has some very strong points, however I think estrogen levels have a lot to do with a woman's desire for sex. While women may not appear to have stronger sex drives, I believe sex, in itself, is a more powerful experience for women. Based upon true animal attraction, women...
  9. M

    Tall women online?

    Perhaps the taller women have fewer options in the fact that most women like men that are taller. I know a guy who's 6'10, and his wife is only 5' and change. Rarely will you see a woman who's 5'10, tall, with a shorter man, or even equal height. So, there's less available men for these...
  10. M

    Shaving your genital area...

    Interesting topic to discuss. I don't shave, but I use a trimmer for a close second. As long as you are well groomed, women appreciate that, imo.
  11. M

    What does "Meh" mean?

    This post is truth. "meh" means you've just handed your balls over to some woman, and you don't care. When you text, your balls shrink too. Any online myspace lovin' is shrinkage as well. Our information loving society is for women, and those women need our sacks to shrink to fit.
  12. M

    Morality: FBing married woman.

    Good point, betas are at the bottom of the marriage totem pole. Currenlty, the top is women, then alpha dudes, then betas. I still think marriage was created to secure an alpha man. Think about it, for most of history, women, in order to pass on the generations and have a family, need food...
  13. M

    quick poll:What size bed do you sleep in?

    You want a queen size, plenty of room for a guy and gal to have fun. You don't want a gal that requires a king size. :D
  14. M

    Morality: FBing married woman.

    I'd say it's not working out too well for society as a whole. Historically though, alphas were better providers than betas, so..marriage in that sense would be for women to keep those men loyal, so they can provide for that woman..and not other woman. These days however, beta males tend to...
  15. M

    Morality: FBing married woman.

    That is indeed, a deep question to ponder. Taking it further, is marriage, just a social convention created to save betas from alphas? Was the institution of marriage created by women to keep men as loyal providers, or by beta men to keep alphas away from their women?
  16. M

    A moral dilemna - is cheating always wrong?

    If you don't need any of the above, why take the chance for it to come crashing down on you? For the thrill of it? You are only 25, I think you'll outgrow this personally. Hopefully you won't have any regrets later on. I can understand your point here somewhat, since I've done a decent...
  17. M

    A moral dilemna - is cheating always wrong?

    The "morality patrol", white night, gentlemen shaming is a very weak attack. It's what women do, it's what the term beta males do to an alpha man. We all have our own morality, that we define. This is more about respect. In order to lead a relationship, it's about respect. Without...
  18. M

    Morality: FBing married woman.

    Of course she's going to say that, but you will never know the truth about the situation. Only she does. It's an unknown situation, and personally I don't think men should enter unknowns like this. Men don't allow themselves to get played by unknowns. This woman, leads your situation...
  19. M

    These 2 commercials pretty much sum up the USA when it comes to relationships

    :crackup: Wow. This is one is very very bold. I'm glad all these women are out there constantly moving and getting things done so we can sit on our lazy asses all day drinking beer. :rolleyes:
  20. M

    A moral dilemna - is cheating always wrong?

    Hypocrisy? Haha, you are really reaching here. If a woman cheats on me....she's out the door. Where did you get that we have to take it like a b*tch. You actually have to take a woman cheating on you like a b*tch. Why? because you cheat as well. You both cheat, so you have to hammer...