Search results

  1. S

    Loss of blood in your arms?

    Comparing chin-ups/pull-ups with pulldowns, is like comparing the squat with the leg press: what would you do? If you can do sets of 15-20 with chin-ups, it's time to add weight. Check this video if you don't know how: Weighted Pull-Ups Feel free to ask if you have questions. Good...
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    Fish oils slow down muscle degregation.

    Main benefits of fish oil: -decreases inflammation (example: tendinitis) -lower bodyfat Search the net for benefits of omega 3, DHA/EPA. There's more to it. But from the perspective of somebody who lifts weights, these are the main benefits. -Mehdi.
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    Fish oils slow down muscle degregation.

    Charles Poliquin recommends 45g fish oil a day. Yes that's a lot of pills. Try fish oil in liquid form (with lemon taste): -PFO pure fish oil -Carlson Fish oil I take 30-45g of the PFO pure fish oil (2-3 tablespoons). It tastes like lemonade. The theory behind these "huge amount"...
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    Loss of blood in your arms?

    The last time I did pulldowns was 5years ago. But I remember the feeling you describe. I had it too. Why don't you try pull-ups & chin-ups? I bet you won't have this problem & they give better results. Good luck. -Mehdi.
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    Loss of blood in your arms?

    Pulldowns work your arms/forearm hard. Just continue doing them. It will go away after some time. As long as it doesn't hurt in a bad way, you're ok. What do you mean with "sharp feeling"? sharp pain? -Mehdi.
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    Fvck Fitness!

    Exactly. Btw, I train for 10 years now. 8/10 girls don't like the fact that I train. Most girls want me to stop doing it ("give me more time/I don't like those veins/you have no fat, I have a big ass/..."). Training for girls is missing the point. Lifting weights is not about that. You're...
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    Low carb diet

    I like your plan. High fat/High protein/low carb is eating like a man. You could go zero carbs too: check out the anabolic diet (anabolic solution). -Mehdi.
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    standing overhead presses and pendley (90 degree) rows

    parallel to the floor is ok. Flexibility shouldn't an issue. if you can bench, you can row. it's the same movement. Pull the weight with your elbows on the row, not with your hands. Remember this the next time you row: pull with the elbows. Good luck. -Mehdi.
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    Fvck Fitness!

    Anyone who is serious about his workout will testify: lifting weights builds character. It learns you responsibility, determination, persitence, sacrifice,... You become what you do. -Mehdi.
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    Question regarding testosterone levels...

    Doesn't work like that. Stress decreases testosterone levels. After a workout studies has shown that cortisol levels are higher & testosterone levels decreases. This is the response of your body towards whatever stress it gets. Testosterone levels increases few hours after the workout...
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    clean source calories: carbs vs fats

    Nice deduction. You're right: it's easier to gain weight on fat. I think it's also healthier to bulk on a high fat/low carb diet than on a high carb/low fat diet (insuline sensitivity) Check out low carbs/high protein/high fat diets such as the anabolic diet (anabolic solution). Carbs...
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    Sharp pain in forearms while doing curls!

    I suppose you are using a straight bar. Try an ez bar for barbell curls, it should solve the problem. If it still hurts, try some wrist stretches (don't overdo it!). If it still hurts, forget about the exercise: dumbbell work & heavy chin-ups/pull-ups/rows will grow you a solid pair of...
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    Help me with bicep curls plz :D

    Try some pull-ups & chin-ups 2-3times a week. You'll grow some solid back & arms. -Mehdi.
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    deadlift results?

    Good that you are doing Rippetoe's program. -How tall are you? at 155lbs you should probably eat more. -don't use straps on deadlifts, it will only aggravate your grip problems. use an alternate grip. -Mehdi.
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    kidney stones from high protein diet????

    4 liters ;-) -Mehdi.
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    Sprained ankle

    No running! Apply ice, let it rest for some days, then start with light stretches for your calves, progressively trying to increase mobility. Don't start running too soon, you'll aggravate your situation. Rest, ice, stretch. Good luck. -Mehdi.
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    kidney stones from high protein diet????

    It's a myth. Drink a gallon a day, eat quality food, exercise. You'll be ok. -Mehdi.
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    Excerises for wrist growth?

    You can't increase your wrist size. However if you build up your forearm size, you'll arm will definitely look bigger. Chest: heavy bench, dips, flyes. -Mehdi.