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    Girls that text after big delay

    yeah man I don't see the point behind that on either...maybe they don't want to seem too available? Like they are busy? lol girls are crazy. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. It's a good sign that they text you in the first place.
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    Girls that text after big delay

    yeah man I don't see the point behind that on either...maybe they don't want to seem too available? Like they are busy? lol girls are crazy. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. It's a good sign that they text you in the first place.
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    Hanging out

    I wish you'd get more replies, I wanna know what others think. Especially with my current post out there (seducing a female friend).
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    Seducing a female friend?

    Well, there isn't really a situation....well maybe there is lol. I'm not in love with her or anything, the girl just turns me on. I don't want a relationship with her...
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    Hanging out

    Yeah, I would think flirting and kino, lots of it....lots of playful teasing. Just be really fun around her, and be exciting, don't become predictable, and don't spend too much time around her when she's sad.
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    Seducing a female friend?

    Well, what happens when you start out as more than a friend, then just fall into the just friends sort of thing? Is that different?
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    Seducing a female friend?

    So there is this friend I have...when we first met I know she was interested, but nothing happened and we just became friends. I used to flirt with her a lot, but then I kinda stopped. Anyway, I've become pretty flirtatious again, and she usually responds well, but she often tells me that my...
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    What's the best compliment you've ever recieved from a woman?

    Well, this girl in my physics class (I had just used a bit of C&F on her) was telling her friends when she thought I couldn't hear "That's my man...he be talkin TOO good" (yeah she's a bit on the ghetto side lol). It may sound pretty stupid but after hearing that I knew my methods were working
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    So I like this girl...

    If you like her, you like her. If you are embarrassed by her, then you need to work on yourself....
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    cancelled date, any help,thoughts,?

    Well, just think positive for now I guess. Give her ONE more chance....if she cancels next Saturday too, then forget about her for awhile....
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    Help. Going to be studying with a girl I am interested in. any advice?

    Well, all I can say is lots of flirting! Tease her playfully, touch her, be funny and charming....
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    Valentine's Day

    Ok, I've been flirting with the girl that sits behind me in math for awhile (practically all year, but only recently have I been interested). Things seem to be moving along, and it's about time to get that date...however, Valentine's Day is Thursday. I don't want to get her something and...