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    She has no time...

    Well, this girl I go to school with is interested in I am with her. She hasn't said it, but I'm about 99.9% sure she likes me. She's also pretty jealous of one of my (sexy) female friends. Anyway, the girl has no free time. She works every night during the weekend (and I work during the...
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    knocked up a girl i've only known 3 months

    Well there is nothing much you can do now...if I were in your shoes, I would try to be a part of the kids life as much as I could (while still leading my own life). If that means hanging out with them once a month, so be it.
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    Can Someone explain NEGS comprehensively?

    Yeah I totally agree with Technical1, if you're C&F the negs come naturally, you don't put much thought into them.
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    Yeah, you could use that joking way....well, I'd use it lol
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    Well, you might end up paying this time too....I don't see how you can change the horrible trend you've started just like that. But next time, you can say "hey, you're taking me out to (wherever) this Saturday right?"
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    To Tear Gas: I asked her to go to a museum with me. haha it might sound kinda lame but as we're underage there is not much to do here in the winter, I'm tired of bowling and movies and ice skating.
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    haha ok, will do.
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    give this date a chance?

    Dude, you should definitely give her a chance.
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    should I go?

    I would call her or w.e a few hours before and tell her that something has come up and you're not gonna be able to make it. Then, don't contact her for almost a week....then ask her to do a specific activity with you (hey, let's go ice skating).
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    So what would you guys recommend? She and I have a long-running joke where we both ask when the other is gonna buy us dinner....should I tell her that now she "has" to buy me dinner to make it up to me?
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    Chicks Insist on Paying For Dates

    Dude....what are you complaining about? Of COURSE you should feel fortunate :D
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    Yeah, I guess she isn't used to that....but idk, it seems like a pretty bad sign when the first thing she asks is if I'm gonna pay right? Not only a sign of her interest, but of her character? Or am I over analyzing?
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    She wanted me to pay for everything.

    There is this girl who had been showing obvious interest. I've known/flirted with her for awhile but never really made a move. She is obviously the type that loves playing hard to get, and she's really good looking, and so she has guys all over her (so she can get away with playing hard to get)...
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    Rate my game! (actual convo inside)

    your first reply is wrong.... you did fine. Saying you were a virgin and like anime was obviously sarcasm (I hope). If she doesn't get that, you probably wouldn't want her anyway lol. sounds very....David DeAngelo lol.
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    Should I get rejected intentionally to show interest

    well, I would just make a comment that makes her know you're aware of the bf. Then I would just continue to flirt and make it obvious you're interested....then when she breaks up with him, she'll let you know.
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    Girls that text after big delay

    I think that would be an ok line to use, but I'd take change it to " if I'm not busy and if you promise to be interesting I'll answer" or something like that.
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    kino in class?

    Yeah another thing you can do is poke her randomly....start tickling her from your seat... oooh challenge her to thumb wrestling lol. That way you're touching her, plus you show your playful side.
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    Girls that text after big delay

    Sorry about the double post last time. Well next time that happens, I'd reply with a sarcastic "wow...late reply" or something like that and then proceed with the rest of your message. You could also try asking them to hang out with you or something right after the first time they text...
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    Seducing a female friend?

    lol thanks Tookie but you guys aren't understanding... I am not thinking she's the girl for me, I am NOT interested in any kind of relationship or anything with her...I date other girls, but (not to sound too crude) I would love to bang her :)
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    HB 7.5 (CRAZYPERSONALITY CHANGE) Take a look Please...

    Next time you talk to her online, get the number....try to flirt a little first, but try to get it no matter what. What do you have to lose? could ask her out on a date. Then you'd have to get the