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  1. N

    girl said I was boring on the phone

    Your problem is your picking up the phone to much. You've known her a month and already she's treating you as if you've been married for 20 yrs. Here's a great formula. 1) Don't pick up the phone like your her little B#tch. 2) Keep it short and sweet. Your cowing down to her and to...
  2. N

    Question about sex in LTR?

    NEXT.... Well - you need to tell her unless things change you will leave. Plain and simple. Say it, mean it and do it. I believe the reason she gave you is bull sh#t. I'd would stay clear of any woman who is fine only having sex 2 times a month - do you really think you will enjoy a happy...
  3. N

    Becoming the DJ -

    Maybe this will help some of you guys out - my experience has been very positive. It's not something new for sure. Many people have mentioned it before on their replies - especially when helping a guy get over that dreaded one-i-tis. That is plain and simple - get involved in your hobbies...
  4. N

    Just give me some hints...

    Don't contact her - and go do your own thing. Give yourself some time. Let her wonder about you and what you are doing..
  5. N

    I love older women/single mothers

    Just be careful.... * If they have had one kid before - they have the ability to have another - namely yours. * they are looking for a father figure for their kid(s) * If they get hooked on you they can be a b#tch to get rid of.
  6. N

    My wedding is two months away and I'm still not sure she is the right one!

    Exactly. He believes she will always be there for him. That could blow up in his face - then he would be trying everything he could to get her back. To little, to late.
  7. N

    Need help, please....

    I'll tell you what the problem is right off of the bat. Your way to boring, average and just needy. I can tell by the way you right and your story. Your calling multiple times, leaving multiple messages - then calling from a different machine so she will not no the number... etc etc...
  8. N

    My wedding is two months away and I'm still not sure she is the right one!

    Why are you trying to rationalize all of this? Your day and your theory changes nothing. Your trying to come up with some kind of excuse - your trying to not make it so hard on your ex. NEWS FLASH - this is now doomed. Your talking to some guy who married his wife because she...
  9. N

    My wedding is two months away and I'm still not sure she is the right one!

    Ummm HELLO. Did you read what you posted? Getting HER needs meet is compromise? You see, she putting what she needs above everything else - and it will get worse - because you've probably caved time and time again. If you don't get out, you will get more and more ambivalent - and...
  10. N

    Divorced woman with kids

    I'm in the same boat. There are some definite pro's to banging a chick with kids. 1) you have lot's of time to yourself. 2) there's (usually) no messing about - your going to get action 3) She's usually not as ditzy as the other younger chicks. 4) she's knows she has bagage - that...
  11. N

    im crazy... twisted... confused... please help?

    Of course it's empty - because these Ho's you are running after are empty. Getting a piece of the pie is easy. Before it was something that was not attainable for you - but now you see you can get these girls - and now you see what they are really made of. I'm a lot older than you - you've...
  12. N

    My wedding is two months away and I'm still not sure she is the right one!

    Sorry I disagree. He has control of this situation and the kind of woman he get's hitched with. It's better to be single than married, unhappy, with kids, looking at other hot chickies and wondering what if.... At least if he's single he can be happy and do his own thing - bang girls...
  13. N

    My wedding is two months away and I'm still not sure she is the right one!

    What has to be done needs to be done. I wonder if she would regret it the same way?
  14. N

    When she calls just for fun

    What are we talking about here? It's always been my intention to do what I like - that would be to talk on the phone to a chick for an hour if that's what I want to do. I've never found that talking on the phone for more than 10 minutes is a negative - but then again, I'm able to carry...
  15. N

    Best article I've seen in a while: Date Other Women!!

    As I said, perhaps it's just me... but I seem to recall reading the last couple of posts that you originated being negative about your personal situation...?????? But again - maybe that was just my own perception.
  16. N

    Best article I've seen in a while: Date Other Women!!

    Is it me - or are your posts getting more and more pessemistic?
  17. N

    What would you do for your ex? Issue of self respect.

    You have both made your choices. You broke it off on more than one occasion - and now she is gun shy. I would probably guess it is jealousy. Another man is taking what is yours - can you get it back? does she still want you? can you do it? - these are all questions you are asking your...
  18. N

    Did I make a mistake?

    Don't over analyze it. It doesn't matter if you told her to call back - if she's interested she will. Don't call again.
  19. N

    What would you do for your ex? Issue of self respect.

    Do you even know what you want? That's my question. She spent the whole time with you - and not the other guy. I believe the other dude is the back-up dude. If you want her tell her that. but don't play these stupid I want you - then I don't games. Do you just want her now...
  20. N

    Forgot her name... need suggestions...

    Don't text her. Call her - tell her the truth... Tell her your really bad with names and you've forgotten hers. It's really no big deal.